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  1. needshelp


    I know this is a stupid question but what would happen if you took a plant from flowering and put it back to 24/7?
  2. needshelp


    ok, now i know this is a stupid question but what would happen if a flowering plant whent back into 24/7 lighting?
  3. needshelp

    Growing outdoors!

    Alright anyone else with tips ?
  4. needshelp

    Growing outdoors!

    Thanks that helped alot
  5. needshelp

    Growing outdoors!

    lol, come on now anytips other then that? how many should i have in each lil crop, wat they type of area they blend in best , how to hide them a lil ? anything ?
  6. needshelp

    Growing outdoors!

    hey , anyone have any tips on growing out doors and on not getting your crop stolen
  7. needshelp

    Growing outdoors!

    hey , anyone have any tips on growing out doors and on not getting your crop stolen
  8. needshelp


    Thanks for the tips guys i just think ill let em be
  9. needshelp


    lol, thanks but i guess ill have to wait because thats way to much travelling for me to do everyday
  10. needshelp


    hey just got a quick question, If you are growing out doors and u want to put your plants into floweing early is there a way or do you have to wait on mother nature?
  11. needshelp

    Mold ?!!

    no sorry it wasent on the plant just the soil so i changed soil right awat
  12. needshelp

    Mold ?!!

    Hey today i checked out my plants and in the soil there seemed to be white mold in 1 , not on the plant but in the soil and it looked like white hairs coming threw in 1 spot anyone no if this is bad ?
  13. needshelp


    Come on anyone no if lady bugs will fuck up plants ?
  14. needshelp


    Earlyer today i go look at the plants and there were a few lady bugz should i let them stay or will they damage my plants ?
  15. needshelp


    Ok thanks , and normally how long dose flowering take
  16. needshelp


    Were I am the light is already 12/12 bye its self and they were sprouted in 12/12 and i have heard people talking about giving them 24 hrs be for 12/12 so i was wondering if that could help my plants get into flowering quicker
  17. needshelp


    Hey, im new to this just got a couple questions 1.When you want to flower do you give them 24hrs of darkness then 12/12 2. How long dose it take to see pre-flowers 3. How long dose flowering ushawelly take Any help Would be great :blsmoke::mrgreen:
  18. needshelp

    Transplant ?

    Doing great!! thanks for the help Transplant was a sucess , all are leaving and now stand a good 10"
  19. needshelp

    St Pattys Day massacre

    How long did you flower for ?
  20. needshelp

    Quick question

    k thx anyone else have this problem with dark hours well flowering ?