Growing outdoors!


Active Member
lol, come on now anytips other then that? how many should i have in each lil crop, wat they type of area they blend in best , how to hide them a lil ? anything ?


Well-Known Member
i always look for thick bushes , also a thorn bush would work good ,, . , dig holes in ground the size of 5 gallon bucket ,, drill proper holes in bottem of bucket ,, fill bucket with 2 inches of rocks before adding soil ,.. also ,, put rocks in the hole before putting the bucket in ..... go download google earth , its free ,,, zoom into ur area ,, it shows everything VERY good details,,, use it to locate a nice set of woods or forest ,, ,, after u located them ,, roll u up 2 fattys , jump on the mountain bike & go explore ..... look for signs of ppl in the area ,,, foot prints ,, empty bottels etc ,,, ..


Well-Known Member
You will need to research locations and find a place not visted at all. Reasearch gorrilla growing. There a guy on here brwndirtworrior or somthing and he has vids