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  1. H

    Thoughts on reusing soil?

    Haha that's nearly exactly how my back yard looks!, but I use them to store scrap wire. I Actually have a 4x8x4ish hovel style compost and that holds about 14 garbage cans haha. The thing is when you up your compost to a decent size it'll be cooking at freezing air temps. We spent nearly a...
  2. H

    Thoughts on reusing soil?

    I'm a big fan of the long cook, although, around here the town just brings you one of the 64 gallon containers when if you say someone stole your garbage can. Lol
  3. H

    Thoughts on reusing soil?

    The only thing I would add is that you probably won't have the best results by going straight into the same exact soil. Other than that, I say go for it. I'm talking living organic soil by the way. I add compost and other very much living amendments to all my mixes anyway, my compost always...
  4. H

    Seedling Question

    Does anyone want to show some science based evidence about fox farm being too, "hot" and explain the specific conditions which you claim make fox farm ocean forest hot? Because if someone can, (trust me the science isn't there, we are talking basic biology and soil science here), but if you'd...
  5. H

    Pro-Mix HP or Pro-Mix BX?

    It's a bummer that this has to be explained ever two or three days, it's not the folks who ask the questions that is annoying, it's the constant bum answers that follow. Thanks for Laying the truth down in this one.
  6. H

    Help Please!! Did i Supercropped Wrong?

    That's totally fine, pinch until it pops, (this will usually split the edges that have been pinched, no worries), then gently work that top down until it's at least parallel with the floor.
  7. H

    Please help identify what's happening

    Since it's only week three of 12/12 and you've been giving in it flower nutes, exactly when did you switch to flower nutes? It's really only needed flower nute for the last 7 days or so, and definitely not p.k. booster yet. You were still vegging for the most part of the last three weeks. I'd...
  8. H

    very new very poor

    Just watch out for over watering, that soil looks pretty moist for not having and perlite. Is that regular ground soil? Remember there isn't much root there yet so no need to drench the soil.
  9. H

    Cloning question

    Sorry brother I missed the "from start part", that's why I was pretty confident that it was my mistake, I totally agree with you now haha.
  10. H

    Cloning question

    I hope I'm misunderstanding, but you did not really mean to say that it takes a plant 5-6 weeks to show sex after flipping to 12-12. Did you really?
  11. H

    Tri-Foliate Female?

    Do you mean tri-foliate as in three leaflets? On all leaves?
  12. H

    please help. electrical

    Here's the misconception about running your lights on a 220v circuit being cheaper to run. If your electrical company charged you by the amp (volts divided by resistance) then you whould be correct as a 1000w device on a 220v circuit will draw 4.54 amps (1000w divided by 220v equals 4.54 amps...
  13. H

    seed problems

    Sounds like either the direct result of too moist of a medium, or of a fungal/bacterial attack due to the overly moist soil conditions, do yourself a massive favor and just cruise the forums for info on starting seeds in organic soil before you try to pop your next ones. Just read everything.
  14. H

    Da fuck?!?!

    Well if that is what your plants look like, then it's entirely possible . That picture actually belongs to Pogenetics, love how 420 mag thinks it's OK to steal something that someone else stole. According to them, tobacco virus can show similar signs of distress.
  15. H

    First Grow-She's Not Looking Well

    i just wanted to add for other readers that I am talking only on behalf of organic soil growing.
  16. H

    First Grow-She's Not Looking Well

    Some folks might say they have problems with temp drops like that, but I personally do not. Ideally between 75-82 for the first two week will help them along better, but as long as they are popped like yours, then down is no big, even 68 for a few hours if you ask me, but your mile may vary.
  17. H

    What is this?

    Cant tell whether your talking about the new branches starting or the stipules. Draw an arrow on that pic.
  18. H

    First Grow-She's Not Looking Well

    I hate to ever say anythings for sure without seeing in person, but Im 99.9% sure you are over watering by a lot. if your mix is watered in well at sowing then you are usually good for about a week in typical conditions, you never need to water a seedling until run off. Remember, there is...
  19. H

    First Grow-She's Not Looking Well

    Those bottom "leaves" are the cotyledons and they always yellow off early. They are what provide the plant with nutrients for its first week of two of life. let me ask you this, assuming you watered at the time of sowing the seed, how many times after that have you watered those ladies?
  20. H

    I Think I Screwed Up Fimming?

    That's funny as hell lol. Do you know FIM, actually came from some dudes initials who was one of the first people sharing the technique. The F.I.Missed, acronym came later.