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  1. H

    Regular vs feminized seeds

    Right on man, I mean stable as in theoretic predictability, whether that means it is known to hermie and have countless phenos, or that it produces a fairly uniform group of offspring. I'm more talking on the deeper genetic history, rather than differences between different filial...
  2. H

    2nd Grow

    Looking sharp! Really nice.
  3. H

    Regular vs feminized seeds

    Everything your saying is very true, I'd probably say most land race strains we know ARE more likely to have hermie traits. And your also totally right about them not being worked by humans, hence the inherent instability. And your also totally 100% correct that the perfect plant with all the...
  4. H

    Decomposing Wood

    Definitely not DWC material, I hope no one got that impression.
  5. H

    Decomposing Wood

    It's really probably not as "hot" as you think. Folks always think brown fallen pine needles are hot, but they loose the vast majority of there acidity in the first 30 days after falling off the tree. Tazbud is right about the nitrogen robbing not being an issue. Don't bother with NPK. that...
  6. H

    A few questions and concerns of mine

    86 is a bit warm if your lingering around that for most of the day. The purpling your describing is most likely a genetic trait triggered by the difference between night And day temps. Just keep a daily eye on it and start thinking of a cheap way to bring your temp down just a hair. Are you...
  7. H

    pls help

    People have preformed vegetative stress to induce ripening of crops for literally thousands of years, folks are now finally seeing the benefits for cannabis. I am really curious for someone with big outdoor trees to preform some "root pruning" experiments, to finish up some long flowering...
  8. H

    Regular vs feminized seeds

    This is an extremely complex topic, that begins with how cannabis is bred in general. I'm going to try not to go to longwith this, but basically, if botanists hot to start fresh with cannabis, they would start there bedding projects with only hardened land race strains, (somewhere...
  9. H

    1st stealth LED grow.. advice needed..

    Sounds like your good to go, have you ran your lights on the timers for a day or two with a digital thermometer that will track hi and low temps? They are like ten bucks, but totally worth it to get a more complete picture of your environment.
  10. H

    Regular vs feminized seeds

    Your correct, I should have said, "were created originally from a hermaphroditic situattion..." what Hydro green means is that feminine seed can also be made from two female parents, one of which is forced to grow male parts by a colloidal spray application.
  11. H

    1st stealth LED grow.. advice needed..

    You can easily go with a two bucket DWC or soil, but personally, if just going with auto, I'd stick one plant in a 7 gallon and just go that way, but I'm sure others would probably put 4 in 2 gallon pots. Just make sure you've got your environmental conditions in order before you start, even...
  12. H

    Regular vs feminized seeds

    From regular seeds, in theory, you should have about a 50/50 split males to females. If your buying regulars, get a 10 pack. The idea of regular seed being more potent, (I know someone will get passed about me saying this), is not true in terms of the plants intoxicating effects. What you do...
  13. H

    Can someone Diagnose this problem please

    I personally would not suggest watering until run off with a true organic soil grow until mid/late flower, then I think plants can benefit from a deeper watering with more time between. If this was a soilless medium grow then you would be correct as far as I've read, but I can only speak for...
  14. H

    noob alert, first grow

    Once again Skizors, layin' down the good advice. If there is one thing I can add is just to get your environmental concerns in order before you germinate your seeds. Set your light on the timer, get everything up and running and monitor your high and low temps and humidity during both the...
  15. H

    Can someone Diagnose this problem please

    SmokeMonster32, what makes you think it's light burn?
  16. H

    are these big enough for flower??

    You can flower at any time; It depends on all the other factors involved with your grow as to when your plants are big enough to flower. If you don't plan to train them at all I'd personally wait because they are not close to big enough to maximize their potential. That said it is totally...
  17. H

    noob alert, first grow

    Skizors' option is absolutely another great way to grow successfully. What's good is with a few more dollars spent you can either have a great live organic soil, or you can go like skizors mentioned and go soiless, meaning that your medium (coco, peat, perlite, sand) has essentially no...
  18. H

    Question about in-line venting and room size

    Having not read all the replies (sorry if I duplicate anything), what I would do is divide your room in two. Just using half for now, but later you can veg on one side and flower on the other. With this new smaller room I would put a 4x10 filtered passive vent intake (4x10 whole in the wall...
  19. H

    Having some issues, any help would be appreciated

    Not knowing anything about or grow other than what I can draw from your photos, all I can say is check your ph to see if you are obviously locking out nutrients. If ph is STABLE and between 6.0 and 6.5, then my guess lies somewhere between a Mg deficiency and lack of oxygen in the root zone...
  20. H

    Something i wasn't expecting with 600W bulb

    For the cost, compared to what you can achieve from a single harvest per 600w bulb, if it's that dirty, just replace it. A bulb is really only in top shape for usually not more than two complete grow cycles. I find the more you handle, move , and wiggle these lamps, the faster they burn out...