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  1. H

    1000 watt in 2 bedroom an issue?

    What room you plug in doesn't matter, as far as your power company is concerned you have only one circuit at 100 or 200 amps. They have no way of determining how power I'd divided between your breakers. As far as individual circuit limits, unless I knew what king of wire is actually used in...
  2. H

    GH FloraKleen

    Good to know, I only do Living organic soil, I just heard an interview Kyle Kushman gave on his veganics line and he says to flush 2 weeks. My bad.
  3. H

    GH FloraKleen

    If your talking bottled organics, then you should flush the same as synthetics, but real living organic soil really does not require it.
  4. H

    Lets talk vinyards and orchards

    All my small batch cider is single tub small press and hand ground apples, I think it makes a difference, but maybe that's just cause I want it to since it's such a pain in the ass.
  5. H

    6th Official Party Cup Grow Competition Registration Thread!

    Found it thanks! It would be interesting to see everyone's roots after harvest, I think there's a lot we might learn from that.
  6. H

    Lets talk vinyards and orchards

    We are all old school cider drinkers here, air lock and let it rip, natural yeast just like Pop did for the bulk, but we've been doing 28 gallons of experimental batches for the last few years. Pop told me once that the shakers would pick prime apples for cider (no drops) then set them out on...
  7. H

    Lets talk vinyards and orchards

    Ive got apple training/cloning/pruning/orchard experience, but only planted my first 4 concord grapes last year soon found that one plant would have been plenty to fill a 12x12 arbor, other than that I don't anything about grapes, except that there is a really funny video of a reporter busting...
  8. H

    6th Official Party Cup Grow Competition Registration Thread!

    Thanks for clarifying, I didn't see anything unique in the link so I wasn't sure if the freebies were going to be added automatically, or if I done effed it all up.
  9. H

    6th Official Party Cup Grow Competition Registration Thread!

    Does anybody know if anyone posted pics of there root systems after harvest in any of the previous competitions? Just interested.
  10. H

    Why do so many Republicans hate MLK?

    I'm not saying that King was philosophically "Republican", but if your saying that to challenge someone with aligning philosophical ideas is inherently "unparty-like" or proves disassociation, then you have just explained the reason why progress in America takes so long; cause it doesn't have a...
  11. H

    Why do so many Republicans hate MLK?

    Anytime, I can do a Skype lesson in American Democracy whenever your down.
  12. H

    Why do so many Republicans hate MLK?

    King's children have been trying to mock their fathers legacy for a long time. No class there. For the record before I get accused like it's a disease, I am not Republican.
  13. H

    Why do so many Republicans hate MLK?

    Democratic senator Robert Byrd, said, "n***er" on live t.v. In 2001 in an outburst, I think is been a few years since a Republican did that. I think you'd be hard pressed to find a senator from either party who actually gives a shit about poor black folks, but what you guys are missing is...
  14. H

    Why do so many Republicans hate MLK?

    Exactly, and that it was southern Democrats doing the majority of the legislative blocking to keep segregation, but hey...
  15. H

    Why do so many Republicans hate MLK?

    Now I wasn't around back in the day, and I'm assuming you Weren't either, judging by the ignorance In the original post, either that or you chose to ignore the actual politics of race in the 60s which is much worse. I'm not here to argue, but if you boys are looking for answers, I'd suggest not...
  16. H

    New setup 400w mh light

    Those 600w Apollo cool tube set ups from amazon are the best buy out there for sure. 50%,75%, and 100% dimmer positions. No problems at all with my mileage.
  17. H

    New setup 400w mh light

    My 2 cents is to say loose the cfls, work out a real parabolic reflector for that lamp, and paint your space white.
  18. H

    [HELP] Please pics inc.. :D

    The cots not burnt, that's not usually a "thing", that mark is a scar from the seed hull, don't worry about that part of it. And 28 degrees C is perfect for seedlings and new clones, definitely not heat stress.
  19. H

    6th Official Party Cup Grow Competition Registration Thread!

    We're you stopping at 50 entries, or can I still get in on this? Louis XIII OG × Blueberry if I can get in. Thanks guys, regardless, this competition rocks.