Please help identify what's happening


Well-Known Member
Can you please help me and tell me why this is happening as per the photos.

It's only happening on a few tops for now.

I'm coming up to 3 weeks 12/12 and been hitting it with normal flowering nutes plus I started giving it hits of a pk booster.

I've added a photo of the whole scrog.



Active Member
Since it's only week three of 12/12 and you've been giving in it flower nutes, exactly when did you switch to flower nutes? It's really only needed flower nute for the last 7 days or so, and definitely not p.k. booster yet. You were still vegging for the most part of the last three weeks. I'd guess your probably ODing the p.k. but obviously can't say for sure.

Kush Knight

Well-Known Member
You overdosed the p (very common mistake), and its locking out either Zn or Fe or both.

Dial the nutes back, find a way to up your K. Add a product containing a form of Zn..
A touch of calmag would probably help as it contains Fe, but won't fix it.
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Well-Known Member
Since it's only week three of 12/12 and you've been giving in it flower nutes, exactly when did you switch to flower nutes? It's really only needed flower nute for the last 7 days or so, and definitely not p.k. booster yet. You were still vegging for the most part of the last three weeks. I'd guess your probably ODing the p.k. but obviously can't say for sure.
Hey there. She started flowering within 4 days of switching to 12/12 as the plant was fully mature at the switch.

I switch to flower nutes when I flip, I know some don't, but I've never had an issue in the past.

I'm going to dial back the pk


Well-Known Member
Cheers, how would I go about correcting it
that's definitely an iron deficiency there, like KushKnight said you over did the Phosphorus and its locking out the Fe(Iron). flush that lady!! The reason your bottom leaves are such a dark green is from the overload of P, if it were overloaded with Nitrogen youd see a few leaves doing the claw.


Well-Known Member
run 3x the amount of water as you have soil in those pots. If say it were a 3 gallon pot of soil, youd want to run 7-9 gallons of water through it.
looks like you have maybe 6-8 gallons of soil in that pot, maybe 10. Id run at least 25 gallons of water through it to truly flush it out. The last gallon or 2 you run through it you can add a mild nutrient solution like 1/4 strength, but I would just flush the hell out of it and then see how it does.


Well-Known Member
that's definitely an iron deficiency there, like KushKnight said you over did the Phosphorus and its locking out the Fe(Iron). flush that lady!! The reason your bottom leaves are such a dark green is from the overload of P, if it were overloaded with Nitrogen youd see a few leaves doing the claw.
looks like you have maybe 6-8 gallons of soil in that pot, maybe 10. Id run at least 25 gallons of water through it to truly flush it out. The last gallon or 2 you run through it you can add a mild nutrient solution like 1/4 strength, but I would just flush the hell out of it and then see how it does.
Yeah mate, basically 10 gal of soil.

So I think I know the problem. I started flushing and the run off EC was 4, I have flushed her a bit and the run off is now just under EC 2, I assume this will help out.

I think where I went wrong was that I didn't have a big enough saucer to collect the run off, so every time I feed, I rarely had much run off as I didn't want it going all over the floor of the tent. I have fixed this now, so I can allow a fair bit of run off and im going to rig up an easier way to flush when its needed.
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Well-Known Member
Yeah mate, basically 10 gal of soil.

So I think I know the problem. I started flushing and the run off EC was 4, I have flushed her a bit and the run off is now just under EC 2, I assume this will help out.

I think where I went wrong was that I didn't have a big enough saucer to collect the run off, so every time I feed, I really had much run off as I didn't want it going all over the floor of the tent. I have fixed this now, so I can allow a fair bit of run off and im going to rig up an easier way to flush when its needed.
Nice, yeah you definitely want around 20% of runoff everytime you water. EC of 4 is definitely up there, 2 is much better :)


Well-Known Member
Nice, yeah you definitely want around 20% of runoff everytime you water. EC of 4 is definitely up there, 2 is much better :)

Cheers man. I'm going to lift the pot on blocks and drill a hole through the saucer and then I can flush more easily just collecting it in a bucket under the saucer. If that makes sense haha, been smoking smoke mean oil I made today :)