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  1. bongedman929

    Took to many pills

    kid is fukced up
  2. bongedman929

    I'm becoming trapped...

    rofl that was FUNNY, some of the funniest shit i have seen all day
  3. bongedman929

    So f@ck, lock down today.

    lol i wish i could blaze during lunch but i cant i did at my old school and im 18 and im a junior lol it sucks getting held back, cuase when i moved no school would accept me unless i repeated my junior year cause i wouldnt have required credits to graduate
  4. bongedman929

    Bump If You're Baked!

    i just smoked a fat bowl of some dank kush, and im so baked right now
  5. bongedman929

    How many of you have been busted/close to being busted?

    lol me and my friends were smokin a joint by a school in some rich place hidden cul de sac and we are halfway between the joint a someone screams cops and i look and see a car pulling up and we run off someone dropped the doobie and i was carrying everything else so i hide my shit and then hop...
  6. bongedman929

    This stuff pisses me off

    the fact is i cont eat pork because they arent properly killed and its nasty, but the eskimos use everypart of the whale and seal they kill. and they dont kill in mass number only kill wat they need but the whales are overkilled and so are dolphins
  7. bongedman929

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    lol i have had my computer freak out cause of downloads and they were "programs" but actually virus infected porn so i just stopped with it
  8. bongedman929

    im getting a puppy guess wat im gonna name it??

    lol ya i thought it was a good name for him, hehe but he is hyper as fuck so im gonna get high high and see what he does lol
  9. bongedman929

    WARNING Circle K/Citgo

    man i would be like give me my fucking id, and demand it back cause you werent doing anything wrong and tell the cops that its illegal for someone to do that, plus you could have told the guy you were high and he couldnt do jack shit about it cause he wouldnt have any evidence to prove it
  10. bongedman929

    im getting a puppy guess wat im gonna name it??

    naw he is a choco lab with some shepard in him,
  11. bongedman929

    im getting a puppy guess wat im gonna name it??

    im getting a puppy and im going to name him blaze lol wat do you think of that? anything thing better you can suggest?
  12. bongedman929

    Bump If You're Baked!

    i loved it cause you know they had to be stoned while writing that movie
  13. bongedman929

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    the beatles the who the eagles
  14. bongedman929

    This stuff pisses me off

    the fact that they dont kill them humaneily and they are endangered is a reason to be pissed off and they go through so much pain before they die that its horrible to watch
  15. bongedman929

    any ideas on how to make sleeping gas?

    did you want to sleep permently or temparily
  16. bongedman929

    Good webiste to watch movies, +rep for help they are of good quality usually
  17. bongedman929

    help me plz!!!!! HELP ME!!! lol

    kk so im starting to get a cough and i have been taking cepacol which is a strong cough drop and i have had like 5 in two hours and i just smoked a bowl and im now really fucked up idk how to describe it. its like im moving slower than when im high you know waht i mean
  18. bongedman929

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    that is a good idea, does it hurt the water or anything?
  19. bongedman929

    Any Pet Lovers Out There?

    im getting a dog tommorow its a choco lab with some golden retriver in it, he is awesome and sweet and has alot of energy wonder what he will be like if he is high??
  20. bongedman929

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    sorry i posted it and then it changed pages lol so i thought i needed to repost my b