This stuff pisses me off


Well-Known Member
the fact that they dont kill them humaneily and they are endangered is a reason to be pissed off and they go through so much pain before they die that its horrible to watch


Well-Known Member
What about pigs in a slaughter house?? If any one has seen animals slaughtered in one of these.... Whats the difference???

How about the eskimo's( I know thats not politically correct but cant think of the other word) Spearing a whale??? How is that humane???


Well-Known Member
the fact is i cont eat pork because they arent properly killed and its nasty, but the eskimos use everypart of the whale and seal they kill. and they dont kill in mass number only kill wat they need but the whales are overkilled and so are dolphins


New Member
Good point Danny, i would respect the enviro's more if their outrgage was equal, but it's not.... They pick and choose and judge the worthiness of animals just like everyone else. The idea that the whales are being decimated no longer is valid, ergo their objective is a moot point.

Endangering the lives of others so you can make the headlines is reprehensible...... full ramming speed on the greenies I say.... mow them down if they endanger the other crew, who are just trying to do their jobs. You want to protest, fine, but don't get somebody killed over it.

out. :blsmoke: