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  1. bongedman929

    does anyone else????....

    thats what i was thinking but i wasnt sure cause i was high.... when i am high i start thinking of crazy shit lol or i go and start to do something and then realize that i was doing another thing and i go back lol i love being stoned
  2. bongedman929

    does anyone else????....

    when im high i remember doing shit the last time i was high or remember what i was thinking about when i was high. but i also come up with ideas and i wonder if i had thought about them before but idk if its weed. but when sober i dont remember it. does this happen to anyone else
  3. bongedman929

    yo guys throw me a lil help

    man help a stoner in need that is rule name 8 in the stoner handbook try sweating alot and drinking alot of water, and if you want drink vinager before the test it should fuck with your system
  4. bongedman929

    lol guess what just happened

    im 18 i live with my parents since im still in highschool
  5. bongedman929

    lol guess what just happened

    my dad searched my room trying to find out if i was smoking pot or not lol and he couldnt find anything lol, and if he would have look in between my two shower curtains he would have found it:) man parents irrate the fuck out of me cant wait till i move out when i graduate for highschool
  6. bongedman929

    help, getting tested

    i have heard that too, i have also heard that drinking alot of monster and energy drinks will throw off your slats and mess with your piss. but idk
  7. bongedman929

    help, getting tested

    lol well im like 6'5'' and im kinda lanky but i play basketball and practice everyday which involves alot of running and sweating and i only blaze on the weekends but thx for the tip
  8. bongedman929

    Looking to buy an external Hard drive

    buy a 500gb one its like 150 but its good and it wont die unless you drop it or something
  9. bongedman929

    help, getting tested

    im 18 and i still live with my parents cause im still in highschool. my parents busted me for weed in december and i stopped smoking, but started up again about two weeks ago. Well since then they have been watching me like hawks and i sneak out to go and buy the goods. Well my dad noticed that...
  10. bongedman929

    Got a new dealer!!!!!!!!

    hahah i dont get it?
  11. bongedman929

    Got a new dealer!!!!!!!!

    man that was my old dealer this new one is the shit man so fucking great i think im in love... no homo
  12. bongedman929

    Guess this movie

    HAPPY GILMORE!!!!!! with all this weed the town is gonna need all the help we can get
  13. bongedman929

    Got a new dealer!!!!!!!!

    i fucking hate you... rubbing in your dank weed... i would do dirty things for that weed... unforgivable things
  14. bongedman929

    Got a new dealer!!!!!!!!

    what what? ?
  15. bongedman929

    Got a new dealer!!!!!!!!

    ya neither have i, but its quite potent i couldnt tell you what it is but its dank.
  16. bongedman929

    Got a new dealer!!!!!!!!

    the eighth is some exotic dro, idk its really good
  17. bongedman929

    Got a new dealer!!!!!!!!

    my friend just hooked me up with a new dealer, and he is the shit the best one i have ever had. Im paying 50 for an eighth!!!!! im so happy i used to pay 100 for some shitty mexican weed, this shit is amazing!!!!!!!!
  18. bongedman929

    Quick question for the computer nerds

    just get yourself a portable harddrive and put all of the movies on there and then take it to your computer
  19. bongedman929

    Das deutsche Thread

    wow das ist ziemlich komisch
  20. bongedman929

    Guess this movie

    hey farva wats the name of that place with all the goofy shit on the walls?? you mean shanagians??