help, getting tested


Well-Known Member
im 18 and i still live with my parents cause im still in highschool. my parents busted me for weed in december and i stopped smoking, but started up again about two weeks ago. Well since then they have been watching me like hawks and i sneak out to go and buy the goods. Well my dad noticed that my screen was reversed from the last time and he says he knows i have been sneaking out but he said hes not going to take it any farther than this talk. So im thinking he is going to randomally drug test me so i really need to pass so WHAT CAN I DO TO PASS THIS TEST??? I JUST STARTED DRINKING A TON OF WATER AND I DONT WANNA BUY THT DETOX SHIT>> HELP!!!!:o


Well-Known Member
go run every out then run for like 20 mins. yea basically sweat a lot:fire: and drink a shit ton of water so you piss frequently and you'll be good in like a week...shit I did that and now I have ZERO tolerance so I'm assuming it only takes a week(unless you blaze 24/7) to get clean...If you have little body fat


Well-Known Member
lol well im like 6'5'' and im kinda lanky but i play basketball and practice everyday which involves alot of running and sweating and i only blaze on the weekends but thx for the tip


Well-Known Member
go buy a pack of fruit pectin at the grocery store, its in the jelly area, take 1 pack, (it comes with two) empty it in a medium sized gatorade...drink it, all..piss twice and youre good to go for 3 hours..I've done it 4 times....passed everytime


Well-Known Member
Pectin has hydrolites...same shit in those detox bottles...only it will cost you 3 bucks instead of 25............


Well-Known Member
dude, buy some synthetic urine. ebay has a kit for $25 shipped. i dont think he will stand there and watch you


Well-Known Member
dont listen to these people .... drinking shit will not help. its in your system. i wast tested all the time in the army. fake pee is the way to go


Well-Known Member
dont listen to these people .... drinking shit will not help. its in your system. i wast tested all the time in the army. fake pee is the way to go
yea actually drinking water'll help dilute your urine when you actually get tested. and it's just good to stay hydrated!:-P


Well-Known Member
THC is stored in fat so exercising will help burn that off just make sure to eat healthy too or you might burn off the newer fat before the old. While I can't vouch for it, if you're in a pinch people say that vinegar works as a temporary solution.


Well-Known Member
i have heard that too, i have also heard that drinking alot of monster and energy drinks will throw off your slats and mess with your piss. but idk