Any Pet Lovers Out There?


Active Member

I have to have my Dogs. We live in our Motor Home now...with our Boxers. The dogs LOVE it when their house hits the road. They smile out the windows at everyone.

My boy, Moe, will be 4 in April and my girl, Roxy, will be 4 in August. (spayed and neutered, I worked in rescue)

I have been learning about, and working with, holistic treatment of dogs. One of the "Cool" lessons was seeing first hand how Hemp Collars helped my little girl when she was having allergy problems.

Guess I am just stoned...the dogs are snoring away...maybe someone else wants to talk about their babies?



Well-Known Member
I have 2 dogs and 2 cats. My dogs go everywhere with us. If I saw "put this on to my kids" dogs run to the door. I couldn't live without em.:blsmoke:


Active Member
Love the Labs :D They look Great.

Mine are on Wellness Core, I had them on Merrick BG out in Virginia, can't find it in least I haven't Yet.

I really miss having a real house, with a doggie door-or two...but, hours a day spent walking the dogs can be fun...mine do have the cutest little backsides...

My skin kids used to get jealous of the fur kids...they finally grew out of that stage. Good thing, it wasn't going to do them any good :0

I have driven to Virginia and back, in my Escape, just my Dogs and me. They are fabulous traveling companions. Going to try do pictures...pretty high, so I may get lost, hehehe...


Well-Known Member
i love dogs, use to have a german sheapard but now i just use my best friends dogs as my dogs lol(considering my second family basicly)...they got 4 pits


Well-Known Member
my dog is part black lab and part german shepard. she's a complete wuss but she's still awesome. For some reason she loves to sleep in clean laundry. she's 13 years old.


Well-Known Member
im getting a dog tommorow its a choco lab with some golden retriver in it, he is awesome and sweet and has alot of energy wonder what he will be like if he is high??