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  1. I

    Lowryder Number 2

    You'd need about 5 liter pots, they send out a large tap root but if the pot is too big it will do more harm then good, far far from ditch weed off these girls, lovely smoke with a silver haze like taste...very fruity and spicy..
  2. I

    First Grow

    Hey man, It's advised to use the same soil you started with, using a new one might make it unbalanced and shock the plants , what HPS you using?...There should be enough nutes in the soil for a few weeks, add nutes when it shows it's first set of true leaves..
  3. I

    My gf of a year has dumped me

    Mary jane won't dump you man...never...
  4. I

    *LowRyder 2 Closet Grow*

    My last plants weren't as big they all finished at about 12-14 inch's so these are doing much better, maybe more than 18 grams hoping for just under an ounce each...hopefully =)...thanks for popping in..
  5. I

    Lowryders 2 - Seed to smoke....

    Could you not just take the sim card out and put it in anoher phone and copy your numbers?
  6. I

    *LowRyder 2 Closet Grow*

    Updated pictures attached from today, bud starting to really form up on the main cola, I reckon they'll be a day 65 harvest by the looks of it...How they looking?:leaf:
  7. I

    Diesel Ryder - Grow

    The hybrids have a longer flowering time to the original lowryders and lowryder 2 so they'll be about ten weeks as opposed to 8 but i'd say the smoke will be well worth it, looking good man..
  8. I

    Lowryders 2 - Seed to smoke....

    We've all done it man don't worry, worst is when you smoke wet and it sideburns like a motherfucker..
  9. I

    Nycd ryder, bubblelicious new grow

    Looking mighty fine man, i'm subscribed, I've got a bubblegum in with my lowryders as well good combo I reckon, my bubble looks exactly like yours and I suspect male , my first low grow the plants only reached one foot each, the ones I got now are 16-17 inch's and only a couple of days ahead of...
  10. I

    *LowRyder 2 Closet Grow*

    I was trying to get some of the cross seeds they were sold out at the time so I went normal Low again, got any pics of the diesals?
  11. I

    You damn yanks dont know the half of it

    Yeah it fucking sucks, were up to 1.40 a litre now which is about 2.30 dollars and it's on the rise.
  12. I

    Lowryders 2 - Seed to smoke....

    Follow the below link, they are about 16 inch's at the moment...
  13. I

    how do they look?

    Looking good man =)
  14. I

    Lowryders 2 - Seed to smoke....

    Nice grow mate, I'll keep an eye my lowryders are 11 days behind yours growing under a 250 hps should be hitting harvest around the same time ish...
  15. I

    *LowRyder 2 Closet Grow*

    Todays update , Day 35 starting to smell really nice up in there now maybe time to get the carbon filter hooked up, plants are slowing down in growth and focusing on more budding, can see alot of bud sites developing. Get pics up this evening. PS: Another you know your a stone when - You go...
  16. I

    My Son Just Made 2nd CPO...

    I think it's great your son is proud of his country and fighting for it, had I been alive in 1916 you can be damn sure i'd have given my life to free Ireland...
  17. I

    *LowRyder 2 Closet Grow*

    Hi guy's, Starting this one late , this is my second lowryder 2 grow, first grow was a learning curve, had 3 females to harvest and yielded about 12 grams off each (average) , was some quality smoke, this grow is at day 30 and I have 4 females all bigger than my last ones there at about 16- 18...
  18. I

    8 weeks of vegging??

    Hey guy's, Basicly I had a bubblegum seed left over from a while ago and started my second Lowryder grow and said I'd throw her in aswell , Got all ten Lowryders to sprout so i've eleven altogether, the Bubblegum is vegging 3 weeks in with them and is 8-9 inch's tall, I plan on only flowering...
  19. I

    Not Guilty

    If it was my car you stole you wouldn't have made it to court cause i'd have smashed your f***** face in, shame on the court for not locking you up.
  20. I

    do your parents know?

    Well I'm 21 and moved out so it aint a big deal but yeah they know and their fine with it as long as it aint affecting my career etc and it isn't. I remember the first time I came home drunk and try'd sneaking up the stairs when they came out and asked me where I'd been and what time it was so I...