My Son Just Made 2nd CPO...


Well-Known Member
Just got the call...My son took the exam a month ago and the results were just announced today. My son just made 2nd Class Petty Officer! We just left Guam 2 days ago and we wish we could've been there to hear the results, but we're nonetheless so proud of the boy. He's going out tomorrow for his new stripes for his uniforms. <Proud Dad is beaming> 8)


Well-Known Member
personally, its something i would never let my children do, as i believe its nothing but attempted brainwashing, but congrats regardless. its still hard to advance.... all hopes for his safety..


Well-Known Member
I think it's great your son is proud of his country and fighting for it, had I been alive in 1916 you can be damn sure i'd have given my life to free Ireland...


Well-Known Member
Congratz, I have a great respect for our armed forces.

Iraq isn't their fault, I think they'd rather be serving their country properly and not listening to you know who.

But enough of that.

If your son going career or is he just in tell he decides he doesn't want to be?


Well-Known Member
Heh...Thanks all. He's an RT (Radiographer Technician)which is the highest level of Hull Tech. He uses radioactive source material(s) to take "pictures" for weld inspection.


Well-Known Member
Hey - Someone's gotta fight for U.S. if our leaders insist on trying to rule the planet.
Congratulations! Sure wish I'd have joined the service. Coulda been something, instead of ending up a bitter old man with an excellent stash!


Well-Known Member
no offense, and no it isnt their fault... and most of them i've spoken with joined as a sense of duty and left feeling like they made the complete wrong decision.... but, again, i have respect for anyone who has that kind of discipline... but it is their fault they are over there.. and i wish them all a quick and safe return home