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  1. I

    Height Restricted Growing

    Be hard to keepm them that small on a first grow, there are methods you could use like tieing them down and topping them but on a first grow I would suggest in that space you use something like lowryder which will grow only about a foot or a foot in a half giving you room for lights above etc.
  2. I

    First time harvesting..need advice

    Plenty of stuff in the harvesting and curing section mate if you pop in for a look, you've got the idea though, hang upside down for about a week or until the stem snaps, them into glass jars for 1-2 weeks opening 2-3 times daily for 30 mins to allow fresh air in then smoke it up.
  3. I

    Transplant ?

    I'll take it that there is no seperation at all in them, ok i'm no expert but i'll try help. First of all water the soil so that it is moist and very carefully cut around the soil for each little plant as far a gap as you can get very careful not damage the roots. Get the soil ready in the new...
  4. I

    Big Grow, should i be worried about smell?

    80 plants will be difficult to cover, I have 3 lowryder 2's flowering in the my spare room, don't have a carbon filter but I have two open windows in the room and fans getting the air out and when walk into the house in the evening I can smell them, so 80?...what lights you planning on using...
  5. I

    Jumpped for smoking weed

    Guy sounds like a total prick, if he's a prep boy like you say he is he wouldn't pull a kife on you wouldn't have the balls, you shouldn't let someone breath down you like that weather the guy was twice my size or not I wouldn't even entertain him. I reckon leave it but if he comes back and...
  6. I

    Jumpped for smoking weed

    I'd have planted the fucker before he had a chance to open his mouth, honestly if them preppy types existed over here in Ireland they wouldn't last long at all. None of their bloody business what you were doing.
  7. I

    Time to harvest help?!

    I understand what you mean with the lighting but what is the point in having an autoflowering plant if your going to switch to 12/12 anyway, through all the reports I've read on Lowryder 2 and from the offical website they say leave on 18/6 the whole time leaving a slight dark peroid i've seen...
  8. I

    Time to harvest help?!

    Thanks for the advice, if I spray them would I not be wetting the bud then?If it best to spray with the lights out? I think they'll go another two weeks then Bud is still loose and white for the most part.
  9. I

    Time to harvest help?!

    Ok thanks, but as for going 12/12 and vegging these are lowryder 2 autoflowering??I don't control the veg cycle on them they are meant to be that size as they flower themselfs by age, and the light at 12/12 wouldn't be enough they need 18/6 all the way through or 24/0. I think i'll give another...
  10. I

    Time to harvest help?!

    Yeah i've been using tap water with them, I haven't sprayed them with it though, what's bleached...please don't tell me this is bad...
  11. I

    Time to harvest help?!

    Sorry should have guiven this info, they are lowryder 2 been on 18/6 under a 250 watt hps with oscilating fan, extraction fan. 54 days from sprout so 62 from seed, I began am beginning flush today have been feeding once weekly Biobizz flowering formula half dose. Thanks mate. Here's another pic...
  12. I

    Time to harvest help?!

    Doesn't look like anyones following my journal so gotta ask here sorry, can anyone tell me apporx how long I have till I harvest my lowryder two there at day 54 now , first time harvesting so i'm not 100 percent sure I know when the trich's start to turn amber 75 percent or so they have started...
  13. I

    My first journal Lowryder 2.

    Anybody got an idea on harvest i'm thinking about a weekl just wanna be sure, first grow and all...
  14. I

    My first journal Lowryder 2.

    :aptop couldn't upload pics till i fexed it last night but finally got it working again which means more pics!...plants are at day 52 now i think, all flowering nicely and no problems to report other than a few yellow leaves which i removed, heres some pics throughout the weeks how long do you's...
  15. I

    What is your situation?

    Well I didn't really wanna tell you this but.........I AM BATMAN!!!!
  16. I

    Halo 3

    Never played SOCOM online just the single player which was decent when it came out. Halo willl still be made by Bungie they split from microsoft as partners but signed a 10 year deal to continue with Halo alongside them. It's too much of a cash cow for both of them to let go. I probably play...
  17. I

    Long Sad Goodbye..............

    Don't bin mate i'd wait it out too much work gone in to give up, i'd call him and have a good talk make him understand you'll be arrested if your caught. don't know what the penalty is depends on alot of factors.
  18. I

    Long Sad Goodbye..............

    I'll take it you have fresh air coming in? temps seem right and a 600 watt hps is more than enough, how high above the plants is the light?Keep the fan just below the plants tops and have the air blow the hot air away just over them, you should be able to keep the light lower down on them then...
  19. I

    Long Sad Goodbye..............

    They are looking a little stretchd mate, what lighting are they under?keep the nutes to a half dose they don't like too much and flush them salts out of your system. Original poster i'd hav a chat with him and tell him what the cost of opening his mouth is.