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  1. H

    Nextgen 1000watt shit the bed!! anyone have one of these?

    test the bulb with any other ballast. it should be able to run. however, dont test a 250 or 400w bulb in your 1000w ballast; that could be dangerous My guess is that the craigslist guy lied to you and sold you an old bulb that burned out. also, bulbs have very short lifespans compared to a ballast.
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    My Growroom Plans

    sk8disgruntled is correct; pulling air with fans is more efficient than pushing it. -you WILL need odor control. most buds get pretty stinky in mid-late flowering. always better to be safe than sorry -with a 400w light, youll want to keep your plants relatively short and bushy. if you grow...
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    FREE UFC live

    thanks! now I wont be bored out of my mind tonight =)
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    HTL's Grow #6 Space Jill, Agent Orange, White Rhino, KTrain, Chocolope, The Church

    get the hotshot no pet strip. i think home depot carries it. or you can try putting a thin layer of fine sand over your soil for a few days to kill the larva. dont give up too soon
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    I am baffled on fans needed to cool a grow room

    do you live in Canada? what temperature is it outside for you? and does your exhaust and intake run through the same window?
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    Window Venting Questions

    I would just exhaust it out the window. If any law enforcement really were to scan your place with infrared imaging, it would detect the heat from the main source, the bulbs, not the exhaust coming out of the window. you could also get a portable AC, which also exhausts its hot air outside...
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    help me buy a grow tent!

    hey guys, Ive kinda narrowed my search down to these two options: *I hope Im not breaking any rules by doing this
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    Help!!! Need to cool a 600w hps in a cupboard asap!!!! +rep!!!

    where are you exhausting your hot air? youd have to exhaust it outside, or to a different room thats sealed off. OR, you can just go buy a window AC unit to help cool down the room. you could probably find a used one off craigslist for less than $100. a 600 watt light shouldnt need too much to...
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    600w hps / hash plant / grow from seed

    those plants are going to grow out of control in flower. you let them veg for way too long. I made a similar mistake my first grow. let the plant grow vertically out of control, which caused all the lower branched buds to suffer due to distance from the light. the second grow, I topped and LSTed...
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    Stelthy's 600W Hps Project! (New-Cab)

    nice to see this thread. Im planning a 600w soil grow in a 4x4x7 grow tent. I was initially worried about space, fitting the light + inline fan + carb filter, but looks like you fit everything in there. btw I see that one of your plants is greatly larger than the other. is it because youre...
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    OMFG!!! What up wit this heat???

    well what kind of light are you using? if its a 250w+ HID light, heat will continue to be an issue, especially as it gets into those summer months. theres really no super cheap way, other than maybe getting a cheap window AC unit, using CFLs, or getting a vented hood + inline fan + ducting, to...
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    best medium for clones (soil grow)?

    Just finished a grow that went bad due to lack of attention, a failed attempt at a homemade hydro system, and hermies. after a 3 month break, I'm starting up again. just ordered some seeds from attitude, Giga Bud. anyways, yea the questions pretty simple, whats the best medium for clones...
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    Advice on walk-in closet grow

    i would suggest a 600 watt MH/HPS light (get a switchable ballast and the 2 bulbs). but youre going to need either a small AC unit in the closet, or a vented hood/possibly a carbon filter/fan/ducting to move all that heat out of the closet, and somewhere to put it. you'll also have to cut a hole...
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    id say put large black trash bags over them and label them "DO NOT TOUCH/REMOVE". hopefully, the plumber and your landlord will respect your privacy? if youre not willing to risk it, then i would suggest maybe taking some cuttings from your plants, and store those instead of your 4 ft plants...
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    Fu htg supply!

    i was also interested in HTG supply due to their low prices. but after several e-mails went un-answered...they have lost my confidence as a solid company/retailer. I sent several e-mails about a 600 watt system I saw on e-bay, asking them what made their bulb better, as their advertisement had...
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    LST, SC, or Regular?

    the only way to know is to take dozens of clones from the same mother plant (meaning they all share the same genetics) put them in a CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT, meaning all variables must be held constant for all plants, except for the different pruning techniques, ie. lst, sc, topping, etc. so same...
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    What do you guys classify as regs, mids, and KB?

    i would think mexi-shwag would just be whatever's cheapest. shwag is grown by the thousands outdoors, which makes high yield a lower priority.
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    I'm Pissed

    start small man. im pretty sure you could easily get started for $200-$300. i've seen 400 watt hps on craigslist for $100 then another $100 for a few CFLs, nutes, pots, soil, etc.
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    DIFF's Indoor Grow Journal

    yea, post some pics. and how was the 2nd round of cannabutter?
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    Question about trimming smaller buds?

    would it help at all to cut off the smaller buds at the bottom of the plant, that aren't getting any light? the plant is about 8 weeks into flowering, about 2 weeks left till harvest. im wondering if it would give the top buds more size. anyone ever do an experiment with this with 2 plants?