LST, SC, or Regular?


Active Member
for my first grow, im growin two LST'd (one topped and one regular). the regular LST seems to be doing better... but the topped LST looks like it has fatter buds instead of skiny and lengthy. then i have one topped and on grown regular.. the regular grown one looks mammooooth. its so sexy. one giant cola. i just wanna ejaculate right onto it. my question is though, wich one yeilds the most. LST and Rgular seem to yeild decent amounts. never tried SC. that would probably be the best huh?


Well-Known Member
I have one topped lst and one that wasnt topped but lst, the nugs on the one that was topped are way bigger and more mature. But theyve been flowering for only a month.


Well-Known Member
the only way to know is to take dozens of clones from the same mother plant (meaning they all share the same genetics)
put them in a CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT, meaning all variables must be held constant for all plants, except for the different pruning techniques, ie. lst, sc, topping, etc.
so same amount of light, same amount of water, nutes, pH, temperature, humidity, etc.

if someone can actually do this experiment and post results, then we may have a HINT at the right answer, BUT, that conclusion may only hold true for the specific strain of that plant.
different strains(or perhaps just indica/sativa) may react differently to different types of pruning, so we may never have a definitive answer on this.

when weed becomes legalized in more and more states, it may become commercialized, which could attract major corporations, who WILL want to know techniques to yield the most.
only with their deep pockets and R&D money, will this question ever be answered.


Well-Known Member
the only way to know is to take dozens of clones from the same mother plant (meaning they all share the same genetics)
put them in a CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT, meaning all variables must be held constant for all plants, except for the different pruning techniques, ie. lst, sc, topping, etc.
so same amount of light, same amount of water, nutes, pH, temperature, humidity, etc.

if someone can actually do this experiment and post results, then we may have a HINT at the right answer, BUT, that conclusion may only hold true for the specific strain of that plant.
different strains(or perhaps just indica/sativa) may react differently to different types of pruning, so we may never have a definitive answer on this.

when weed becomes legalized in more and more states, it may become commercialized, which could attract major corporations, who WILL want to know techniques to yield the most.
only with their deep pockets and R&D money, will this question ever be answered.
Blah, blah, blah...

Super Cropping!!!

The more light you get to nodes, the bigger denser buds will grow.


Well-Known Member
you should top, then lst the tops, then top the new tops again, then lst them etc - then supercrop any further growth to keep the canopy level

if done right this can lead to low even canopy much like a scrog, but without the nuisance of the screen.


Active Member
thanks guys. im gonna try LST and SuperCroping. see wich one yeilds more. im gonna see what i yield from my topped LST plant and regular LST then decide wich im gonna use to experiment with.