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  1. PhillyFan


    I just harvested some bagseed plants after 10 weeks of flowering under a 400w light. I broke open the main cola n the bud almost looked moldy.... idk if its mold or just good?? Thoughts?
  2. PhillyFan

    2 Week To Harvest?!?!?...

    This may sound a lil dumb but.... how much sugar would you add to a gallon of water?
  3. PhillyFan

    2 Week To Harvest?!?!?...

    Yea I started giving them plain water a couple days ago... Ill try the molasses thing
  4. PhillyFan

    2 Week To Harvest?!?!?...

    Here is an update on my plants! I was told I had about a month when I thought 2 weeks... So here is my 2 week update! The trichs are 95% cloudy / 5% amber... How close am I?
  5. PhillyFan

    PhillyFan's 400w 12/12 From Seed Closet Grow

    Here is my first attempt at a 12/12 from seed grow and is my second grow over all. The plant is at day 39 from seed, it is bag seed from some good bud. It is in mg organic soil and yes I am aware of the quality (or lack of) of the soil.. I am also using cheap mg plant food because the closest...
  6. PhillyFan

    2 Week To Harvest?!?!?...

    Here is an update on my plant! I'm told I have about 3 more weeks...correct?
  7. PhillyFan

    2 Week To Harvest?!?!?...

    No idea haha It's some random bag seed from some good bud
  8. PhillyFan

    2 Week To Harvest?!?!?...

    So your saying about a month then... I can deal with that haha I will be getting a new scope in a couple of weeks... I normally wouldn't be asking if I still had my old one :)
  9. PhillyFan

    2 Week To Harvest?!?!?...

    Wow didn't realize I was that far off
  10. PhillyFan

    2 Week To Harvest?!?!?...

    I'm thinking I've got about 2 weeks until harvest as 7/2 is day 60 of flowering... Anyone have any suggestions?
  11. PhillyFan

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Here is my first 12/12 from seed plant! It's been under a 400w hps light for 3 1/2 weeks now, Anyone have any idea what strain it might be or does it aleast look healthy?? I've never had a plants with leaves that looked this way.... Also the plant is topped.
  12. PhillyFan

    HELP! Entire Plants Yellow and Small.... (PICS)

    So my plants are looking much much better!!! :) So here's an update on the plant!
  13. PhillyFan

    HELP! Entire Plants Yellow and Small.... (PICS)

    I bought n watered these lil sick babies with some miracle gro bloom boost... I know its not ideal but it something for the time being to finish out this crop... Just gotta wait n see if it makes a difference :)
  14. PhillyFan

    HELP! Entire Plants Yellow and Small.... (PICS)

    I MENT TO SAY NO MORE MIRACLE GRO hahaha I didn't even realize I typed that :P
  15. PhillyFan

    HELP! Entire Plants Yellow and Small.... (PICS)

    thats for all the info! this is def the last time im using farm fox, I just hope I can salvage something from these plants
  16. PhillyFan

    HELP! Entire Plants Yellow and Small.... (PICS)

    Only about 5 of my plants look like this.... The others are big and beautiful but they also are in much larger pots. I've been using a 400w HPS light for a couple grows now, I've just used nuts of some sort up till now... Just tight on money this grow and tried to do it cheap haha lesson learned!
  17. PhillyFan

    HELP! Entire Plants Yellow and Small.... (PICS)

    Haha I think I have every possible deficiency in the book :P
  18. PhillyFan

    HELP! Entire Plants Yellow and Small.... (PICS)

    Thanks for the advise, I haven't added any nuts as of yet. I will just add some rose bloom until I have money for better nuts. I'm just gunna try to get what I can from these plants haha There's always a next time :)
  19. PhillyFan

    HELP! Entire Plants Yellow and Small.... (PICS)

    I've always grown in miracle grow soil and never had a problem, however I know I over watered these plants at the start and the lower leaves became yellow. I have since corrected the watering but the plants are still getting worse... They are completely yellow, pale, and the leaves are dying at...