HELP! Entire Plants Yellow and Small.... (PICS)


Well-Known Member
3 and a half oz of this yellow bitch. she never had a green leaf in her life. everyone kept telling me n def. bollox it was fucking freezing during lights out.
you got some decent bud there im sure but come on you cant actually believe their isnt sometihng wrong with that plant?? maybe in the genes and it was never gonna get the right green on it maybe the nitrogen but somethings not right with that lol


Well-Known Member
you got some decent bud there im sure but come on you cant actually believe their isnt sometihng wrong with that plant?? maybe in the genes and it was never gonna get the right green on it maybe the nitrogen but somethings not right with that lol
no she had her nutes, she was just fucking freezing, and has you said probably something in the genes. i was quite happy with the harvest. thats all we could figure it in the end, but we are only used to harvesting about 2 oz a plant, so we had a result anyway. allways look on the bright side as they say.


Well-Known Member
ya def filled out....hey id of been happy with 3 zips off a forever yellow plant :D ....just you can see no huge leaves no color, thats an odd one i must say lol


I bought n watered these lil sick babies with some miracle gro bloom boost... I know its not ideal but it something for the time being to finish out this crop... Just gotta wait n see if it makes a difference :)


Well-Known Member will work fine but its a only a few dollars more for some better choices.....something to think about if u have the extra couple bucks...hope the final product turns out kill either way! good luck man


Active Member
Man you guys are killing me with that MG fertilizer lol...... I started out using MG than it burnt the shit out of my plants the soil was also way too compact. Than I bought some of this stuff called jacks classics from a buddy of mine on here that recommended it was pretty decent stuff tbh it was only like 15 bucks..... I know miracle grow is cheap bro but try to at least get yourself a decent soil I would even go to the nursery if you have one near you if you do not have a local hydro store ....