HELP! Entire Plants Yellow and Small.... (PICS)


I've always grown in miracle grow soil and never had a problem, however I know I over watered these plants at the start and the lower leaves became yellow. I have since corrected the watering but the plants are still getting worse... They are completely yellow, pale, and the leaves are dying at a rapid rate. Also they are very small as you can see.... Any ideas? The plants vegged for about a month and have been flowering for about 37 days... should I count my losses and start over?



Well-Known Member
Have you been feeding it? One thing I know about miracle grow is that it has a tenancy to get rather acidic. With PH out of whack plants can have a hard time up taking the nutrients they need. I have had this happen with peppers and with herb so I amend the soil with lime to keep the PH under control. I'm not 100% sure if your issue is water related but the plants do look hungry. Maybe someone else can add some advice as well.


Well-Known Member
MG soil runs out of nutes. in about 2 weeks ..... add some budding nutes. 1-3-2 ratio. they still have a chance.


Well-Known Member
It needs nitrogen. Being at day 37 of flower I would hit it with a light dose like the above poster said. It should help but you are nearing the last quarter of flowering and you need to make sure it has enough nutrients to last you until flush. If you dont hit it with any nutes the leaves will yellow and die off and the plant will just finish early...possibly turning hermie on you. If you dont have any nutes and dont have a hydro store around just get miracle grow rose bloom food and use at 1/4 strength for the next 2 waterings then alternate water-food until flush. You can also add some grandma's molasses to give it some carbs for extra trichome production at 1tbsp per gallon.


Thanks for the advise, I haven't added any nuts as of yet. I will just add some rose bloom until I have money for better nuts. I'm just gunna try to get what I can from these plants haha There's always a next time :)


Well-Known Member
OMG !!! Those leaves are nearly white ! I need sunglasses to look at them!!

Usually we'd recommend 1/4 dose of ferts. In this case use maximum dose and wait 5-7 days to see results.


A month veg and 37 days flower? Besides lack of nutes, looks like you had a lack of proper lighting as well.
Only about 5 of my plants look like this.... The others are big and beautiful but they also are in much larger pots. I've been using a 400w HPS light for a couple grows now, I've just used nuts of some sort up till now... Just tight on money this grow and tried to do it cheap haha lesson learned!


Well-Known Member
stop using delayed release dont know what your giving the plants and when, their is absolutely no benefit to using miracle grow, get some nice dirt some fox farm or make up a batch of your own and buy an all cycle nute pack like technaflora recipe for success and follow the directions on the paper that comes with and you cant go wrong....and as everyone else is saying it definately needs to eat!!!


Active Member
Yeah buddy if your really serious about growing some nice personal stash or any at all get rid of the MG. Go grab yourself someone decent soil I use promix hp that added perilite is really nice makes it impossible to over water. Also grab yourself a nice one part formula or two part formula I know GH has a nice formula like the Floraduo. Also botanicare has a great line aslo. Get youself a pool ph test kit I personally started out with that and now just saved up enough to grab a blue lab ph pen.


thats for all the info! this is def the last time im using farm fox, I just hope I can salvage something from these plants


Well-Known Member
lol i had to do a double take...why not use fox farm anymore...we are telling you to stop using the miracle gro!! lol....

Well-Known Member
stop using delayed release dont know what your giving the plants and when, their is absolutely no benefit to using miracle grow, get some nice dirt some fox farm or make up a batch of your own and buy an all cycle nute pack like technaflora recipe for success and follow the directions on the paper that comes with and you cant go wrong....and as everyone else is saying it definately needs to eat!!!
Kermit, Kermit, Kermit... MG ORGANIC CHOICE SOIL DOES NOT CONTAIN SLOW RELEASE NUTRIENTS! It barely contains nutrients at all! LOL!

but seriously, MG potting soil DOES contain slow release chemical nutrients, but MG organic choice, does NOT contain slow release nutrients!

As long as you feed your plant it will be fine.

BY THE WAY the funniest fucking part about saying this is this is the 3rd time I have said it in the last 5 minutes! here are the links HAHAHA!


ALSO IF YOU ARE USING FOX FARM! DO NOT STOP! that soil is the shit! but the soil you have does not look like fox farm, it looks like shit ahaha. the fox farm I own is very very fluffy and never contains that much bark, or any bark!


Well-Known Member
he never said anywhere in this thread that he was using "organic choice" just mg so i assumed its a delayed release version....if he did say that quote it cuz i cant find it here :D ....also agree on that fox farm is good shit and hes got me confused because i dont think anyone told him not to use foxfarm and i didnt think he said anywhere that he was using fox farm lol