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  1. PhillyFan

    Nutrient Burn or Deficiency?

    3 gallon pots Promix Soilless 400w HPS Indoors Photoperiod sativa strain Each about 4 feet tall I was using 4 level scoops of the small end of the scoop per gallon of water I give my plants about 1/2 gallon of water every 3 days This is about my 5th grow but my FIRST in a soilless mix. I have...
  2. PhillyFan

    Nutrient Burn or Deficiency?

    I was giving them 2 teaspoons of the miracle gro bloom booster per gallon.. I water every 3 days when they are mostly dry. I realized after the last watering it supposed to be 1 teaspoon per gallon and i use tap water that i let sit out for 3 days they are in 3 gallon pots n are about 4 feet...
  3. PhillyFan

    Nutrient Burn or Deficiency?

    15-30-15 I realized the last 2 watering I gave them double the dose per gallon thats recommended
  4. PhillyFan

    Nutrient Burn or Deficiency?

    no idea and no idea ha so its not nutrient burn? Those are the lower leaves that have fallen off, the leaves of the upper portion of the plant have burnt tips.
  5. PhillyFan

    Nutrient Burn or Deficiency?

    how long till i should start adding nutes again?
  6. PhillyFan

    Nutrient Burn or Deficiency?

    So should I just stick to plain water for a couple waterings? I water every 3 days
  7. PhillyFan

    Nutrient Burn or Deficiency?

    My plants are 3 weeks into flowering and since about a week ago many of the lower leaves are starting to turn light green and/or brown then die. I am growing in promix soil and using miracle gro bloom (I know its not the best nutes, no need for speeches, ive heard it all). I think I may have...
  8. PhillyFan

    Strain/Fim/Pre-Flower Questions

    hows the fim look?
  9. PhillyFan

    Strain/Fim/Pre-Flower Questions

    ~Kush Bagseed/Random Bagseed ~Week 4 ~Pro-mix Soil-less Medium ~400W HPS ~18/6 Light Schedule ~Temp 75F ~Water or Water/Food every 3rd Day ~(Attempted)Fimmed Week 3.5 Wanted to post an update on my plants and see if I can get some info on my babies. I have 19 plants that are all the same size...
  10. PhillyFan

    Help Needed! Seedling Troubles!

    anyway I can get this thread moved to growjournals and a title change? i don't wanna start a new thread since the prob is fixed n all the pics are here haha
  11. PhillyFan

    Help Needed! Seedling Troubles!

    Took almost a week of recovery and a lil food but now my girls are growing strong! I noticed a small amount of growth about 3 days ago and now they're just blowing up! I'll be transplanting them into 6" pots tmr. Can't wait to see how much they grow after that! Also, I got my temps down to 75F...
  12. PhillyFan

    Help Needed! Seedling Troubles!

    Ill update with a couple pics in a day or so once the nuts have taken full effect
  13. PhillyFan

    Help Needed! Seedling Troubles!

    I actually started feeding them a small dosage of nuts the last two watering and they are starting to perk back up and grow! Hopefully it keeps up till I can get some good soil n transplant
  14. PhillyFan

    Help Needed! Seedling Troubles!

    Updated pics of some of my sick babies :(
  15. PhillyFan

    Help Needed! Seedling Troubles!

    do they need food?
  16. PhillyFan

    Help Needed! Seedling Troubles!

    Their all getting worse.. more and more yellowing of the leaves. idk what's wrong :(
  17. PhillyFan

    Help Needed! Seedling Troubles!

    so just water at the stem of the seedlings?
  18. PhillyFan

    Help Needed! Seedling Troubles!

    Would transplanting them into gallon pots help fix over watering? Or should I wait?
  19. PhillyFan

    Help Needed! Seedling Troubles!

    Well like I said its been about 3+ days since I soaked them. The soil was nearly bone dry when I gave them a reasonable watering today.
  20. PhillyFan

    Help Needed! Seedling Troubles!

    So after a great start, my seedlings are having some trouble. They are a mix of kush seeds from a friend and bag seeds. They are in generic organic soil for now, no nutrients up to this point. I am using a 400w HPS with a cool tube. My temp is around 80F, I don't know what the humidity is. About...