Help Needed! Seedling Troubles!


So after a great start, my seedlings are having some trouble. They are a mix of kush seeds from a friend and bag seeds. They are in generic organic soil for now, no nutrients up to this point. I am using a 400w HPS with a cool tube. My temp is around 80F, I don't know what the humidity is. About 4 days ago I thought I was under watering them so I pretty much flushed the soil, badly. Then I noticed the leaves began to curl under by the next day and some have begun to yellow by now. I didn't water them again for about 3 days until the soil became dry and only gave them a light watering today with a little excess watering draining out the bottom. Are these problems all caused by me over watering? I also had my light pretty close, about 8" above my plants for a couple days after I got my cool tube. I moved the light to about 18" above them now. Did having the light so close maybe burn my leaves and cause these problems? Their growth pretty much screeched to a halt. Am a screwed?

Thanks in advance for any help!

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Well like I said its been about 3+ days since I soaked them. The soil was nearly bone dry when I gave them a reasonable watering today.


Well-Known Member
you said it over water and too hot, just be carefull with seedlings there very delicate, i just spray the bottom of the soil near the stem instead of pouring water on, more control.


Well-Known Member
No your not screwed. The combination of the 400w hps and the drenching has drooped the plants and stopped them growing. If you get them under a cfl they will be back in 2 days. Leave them under the cfl for seedling stage, then under the hps raised 36" to start then lowered if you see no drooping and the plants are growing again.


Well-Known Member
Also never just wet the medium, this creates air pockets and salt build up. Always water plants until run off.


Well-Known Member
yellowing of the leaves usually indicates a nutrient deficiency, though it looks like in those pics that there is plenty of soil in the cups to provide enough nutes. new pics would be good.


Well-Known Member
ouch. again looks like heat issue but i could be wrong. keep them cool with a fan on them and the hps at least 2 feet away. you said you had the 400w hps 8" away so it could be burned from that, give it some time to recover.

could also be an off ph, toxic build-up in soil, possibly nute toxicity, or maybe something else.... sorry, it's hard to precisely diagnose problems like this, at least for me. it helps to know exactly what the variables are so you can play process of elimination.

if you know what the ideal growing conditions are (do some research) then it's easier to solve problems by recognizing anything that sways away from those ideal conditions.


I actually started feeding them a small dosage of nuts the last two watering and they are starting to perk back up and grow! Hopefully it keeps up till I can get some good soil n transplant