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  1. 1puff2puff3puff

    Question about flowering and plant growth

    You can tie them down hence LST Low Stress Training, as i menitioned before, but how bendable are your stems at this point, your plant s look big and they are still in veg.... it takes 1-2 weeks ior it to recover then you have 4 main cola instead of 1 and a shorter plant that concentrates on the...
  2. 1puff2puff3puff

    Bubble hash bags

    I buy all my bags from ebay, and they last forever, depending on how often they are used.... Good deals and quality...
  3. 1puff2puff3puff

    Whats the problem w/pic

    Tap water is not great cause of the chlorine, some say if you leave it overnight or something that it would disapate but i am not sure... You have a NICE plant i wouldnt take any chances, i would go with the spring water... I think i would not allow them to droop either, keep going with the...
  4. 1puff2puff3puff

    MY First White Widow grow

    Your plants look GREAT!!! Keep up the good work!1 Good SMoke!!
  5. 1puff2puff3puff

    Utopia Haze Problem

    I have brought seeds that really seemed like the opposite strain... I do believe they make mistakes sometimes or run out of stuff and give you whatever. But your plant looks great!!! Good SMoke!!
  6. 1puff2puff3puff

    Whats wrong with my blue Mystic

    I had a BM, the leaves didnt turn blue, but it did start getting purplish fan leaves, a couple of the tiny leave s in the buds were purple, but it wasent blue like i though it would either, one of the all in all nice taste, pretty plant though!! Good Smoke!!
  7. 1puff2puff3puff

    Bugs are living inside my soil!

    I think you have white flies, they nest in the soil and lay larve.... Neem oil is the way to go!! Making sure you spray really good under the leaves and in that soil using a spray bottle.. I always a rake the top soil first then spray....
  8. 1puff2puff3puff

    Barney's Farm LSD (Second CFL Grow ..YOUR INPUT!?)....

    Damn!!! lookng good!! I would get 2 fan in there (one that is directly on them too), definately (eventually) more light, watch it with that foil it can caue heat spots i would rather use white if i didnt have mylar. They are growing right out of those cups, some people believe the less you...
  9. 1puff2puff3puff

    BLUE WIDOW/THE CHURCH seedlings in soil. First time growing in soil

    They all look great, a little burn on one, but its expected from MG. I think they have streched a little and you need to bury that them, that light look a good distance!! I would use spring water instead of the RO water, it can give you problems and imo its better for hydro systems. I also think...
  10. 1puff2puff3puff

    Whats the problem w/pic

    Looks like burn, can we get more pics?? Best thing to do is flush for a couple 1 or 2 feedings... 5th day watering sound good depending on pot, are you letting it droop before watering? It really looks like burn, i would flush and give 1 water only dose let it dry out and decide if i was going...
  11. 1puff2puff3puff

    exposed plant to light on accident ! is this bad?

    No your ok, you may notice a slight slowing in growth for a week or two (a week) and it will go back to normal, juat a little shock... Good Smoke!!
  12. 1puff2puff3puff

    Question about flowering and plant growth

    Plant can double or triple in size depending on strain during flowering, topping will help this you can also LST (bend them)....
  13. 1puff2puff3puff

    exposed plant to light on accident ! is this bad?

    It usually takes a little more than that, I think your OK, it would take a real inturuption in your light cycle to effect your plant to the point of herming... dont adjust just go on as usual you'll be fine... Still dont let it happen again, it will shock your plants.
  14. 1puff2puff3puff

    Super Lemon Haze---- Got some questions??

    Here are some pic of my girl and my new well old now boy. She is a little over 4 and he is a little over a year. She is in heat and we think they may be pregnant. He has been try to hump her and before she was in heat she would fight him tooth and nail, now they all all lick eachother and she...
  15. 1puff2puff3puff

    Super Lemon Haze---- Got some questions??

    I POSTED IN THE WRONG FORUM!! i hate that!!
  16. 1puff2puff3puff

    Super Lemon Haze---- Got some questions??

    Sup RUI, I have a SLH mother plant and 6 clones (attempting)!! My clones are have drip lines on them (I need a timer, i know soon!!), no bump or anything yet, I had a huge light leak inside the rez that i just fixed today (forgot to black out the top of the rez). I mist regularly, i only...
  17. 1puff2puff3puff

    how do you delete attachments when the things almost full???

    did you ever get an answer?!?!! I need to know this too!!!??
  18. 1puff2puff3puff

    A pound of schwag for 500, good deal?

    look like some goot swag!!! i would have got it.... i say its a score... i would smoke it, put it in the freezer for dry season... but $25 an 1/8 idk... Congrat either way!!
  19. 1puff2puff3puff

    A pound of schwag for 500, good deal?

    SS! I am wanna see!!