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  1. 1puff2puff3puff

    Thundercat's Groooooooow

    Niiiice!! You have a GR8 area to work with, always helps.....
  2. 1puff2puff3puff

    I made a new grow video

    That was the best 6 minute and 11 second video i have seen in my entire life..... +REP!!!!!
  3. 1puff2puff3puff

    REP WARS! (Mindfuck!)

    whats with the sexy lamp one?!?!?!
  4. 1puff2puff3puff

    My First Grow

    The color is wonderful..... they look so damn healthy, your definately working with the green thumb!! They have alot of bud spots too, your going to have it sprouting out everywhere!!
  5. 1puff2puff3puff

    1puff2puff3puff is at in again!! Growing my Holiday stash!!

    Hello Gang, just updates, no pics..... Looks like my WW is going to give off many many males, i have pulled about 5 that look totally male, DB i have pulled 2 that look male but i will give thiem a couple more days..... I dont know why... Thanks all see you soon!!
  6. 1puff2puff3puff

    1puff2puff3puff is at in again!! Growing my Holiday stash!!

    Thanks Mara, and thanks for stopping by!!
  7. 1puff2puff3puff

    1puff2puff3puff is at in again!! Growing my Holiday stash!!

    Thanks for checking in Don Gin!!! They are about 8 days into flower.
  8. 1puff2puff3puff

    1puff2puff3puff is at in again!! Growing my Holiday stash!!

    Thanks Buddy!! Yea mango is going to be in my Bestest Club....
  9. 1puff2puff3puff

    1puff2puff3puff is at in again!! Growing my Holiday stash!!

    THANKS!!!Yelod Lol, lazy route soo much easier and nicer and ff is all organic!!! Soil hydro When i first started growing i was with the Sensi 2 part, i know you can mess around with the does and all...
  10. 1puff2puff3puff

    Obama wins , terrorist win, usa loses

    So now Obama is the anti-Christ.... Come on man!!! That just idiotic..... You say you have "White Pride" so is that why you are so against a Black Man being "the most powerful man" in the US??? He isnt muslim, he isnt with the tallban and he isnt 9% black and 46% Arab and 50% white of what ever...
  11. 1puff2puff3puff

    Grand Daddy Purple S.O.G. Journal

    DAMN!!!!DAMN!!!!DAMN!!!!.... How was this smoke, the buds look TASTY!!
  12. 1puff2puff3puff

    yelodrvr's next attempt

    Man they looking really good!! They just look hungry if anything, i had some plant that looked similar and it was because i wasnt giving them enough to eat. That is a steellar set up and what a DAMN MONSTER in that last pic, what did you grow that in? What striain was that and how did it smoke...
  13. 1puff2puff3puff

    1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

    Looking VEERY GOOD, i hope your female to male ratio picks up, i hate killing plants.... Smoke....
  14. 1puff2puff3puff

    My First Grow

    Damn you plant are leafy as hell, i wish i could see the color better, you should take them out and take a pic with the flash....... they look healthy as helll though!!
  15. 1puff2puff3puff

    DwR's +20 Plant Grow

    Looking Damn good, excellent set-up!!
  16. 1puff2puff3puff

    1puff2puff3puff is at in again!! Growing my Holiday stash!!

    These are the babies under the 600w hps....... I see 2 White Widows turning male on me, but i am going to give them a couple of more days.... Then i will pluck and kill, they look healthy.... Starting Tiger Bloom, Big Bloom and Open Seseme tonight.... I am going for a shorter more compact...
  17. 1puff2puff3puff

    1puff2puff3puff is at in again!! Growing my Holiday stash!!

    These are pics after Neem Oil treatment... the looking healthy, just a little water
  18. 1puff2puff3puff

    1puff2puff3puff is at in again!! Growing my Holiday stash!!

    wELL THE SMOKE IS grrrrreeatt!! I am in love with Mango...... My hubby liked the northern lights but after we started smoking peeps out and the CURE the peeps kept saying the Mango was the best now he is a Mango fan..... Mango..... is a lovely fruity taste, the smoke is strong but not harsh...
  19. 1puff2puff3puff

    1puff2puff3puff is at in again!! Growing my Holiday stash!!

    I definately need to go pick up some more yellow strips they are excellent for between treatments...... Neem oil did GR8 though....
  20. 1puff2puff3puff

    1puff2puff3puff is at in again!! Growing my Holiday stash!!

    Treatment went great, i left them in veg one more day then switched to flower and no bugs....