exposed plant to light on accident ! is this bad?


My timer was tampered with and my plants got light during the dark side of the 12
/12 light cycle for about an hour until I noticed. How dose this affect my plants? Is this bad?


Well-Known Member
It usually takes a little more than that, I think your OK, it would take a real inturuption in your light cycle to effect your plant to the point of herming... dont adjust just go on as usual you'll be fine... Still dont let it happen again, it will shock your plants.


Well-Known Member
No your ok, you may notice a slight slowing in growth for a week or two (a week) and it will go back to normal, juat a little shock...

Good Smoke!!
If the light came on on the end or the beginning of your light cycle, congrats ! got yourself an extra hour of light. ( give my girls 13 to 14 1/2 hrs. of light everyday) as the 12/12 is more of a guide line than anything else. Although at 15 Hrs you really are pushing it. You can blow some direct light on them in the middle of the cycle once or twice and you'll be fine. It takes 15 mins or more of direct light in the middle of flowering dark period continously to serious alter your flowering cycle. So far far what it's worth.............Fair Well!


Active Member
yeh ive spaced and screwed up on timers before and had lights go an extra 3 hrs over the cut off time before while in 12/12.. talk about freaking out. I actually remembered when I was waking up at my GF's house, and I freaked out and drove all the way across town to come turn them off. /ugh