I didn`t see a problem.I don`t know what to tell you.Double check your soil.Go out and buy a moisture meter.They are cheep at wallyworld.I normally presoak my soil so it doesn`t have dry spots.good luck!
greasemonkey,I`ve been on morphine sulfate(high doses)for over three years.Being taken for back pain and irraversable migaine headaches.I would rather smoke a bowl and lay in a dark room for awhile rather than feel like shit from the opiates.The pot also makes me able to eat which is just the...
There shouldn`t be any difference between them.the only difference is the conversion bulb is designed to start without a ballast that a MH has to have.
First of all you need a 400 watt bulb.How are the wires hooked up?.It would be better if you would let somebody that knows what they are doin hook the light up befor you burn your house down.It`s not as simple hookin two wires up
If you read how his light cycle is you Might understand.If I`m wrong I`ll admitt it.But I don`t think I am!By the way,If you find a strain that veges at 12+ and flowers at 11 let me know becauce /i want to grow a couple..
In recorded history there has never been a death of over dose on marijuana.I also recently read about a study done in one of the northern colleges.Their test on marijuana and alcohol.It was a tripple blind test.They found No Noticeable Problems when they smoked pot and Drove a car.It didn`t...
The plants grow with 11 hours of light and Flower with 12 hours or more.If covering the plants isn`t possible,it looks like the plants would have to be started in Nov.or Dec.to give them time to grow. BUT I`ve also heard of guys runnin 12-12 from the start. ???? Just a Thought. Good Luck on...
What light cycle are you using ?I`ve heard that it helps when they have a dark time.I don`t know myself but I would like Too.Plus I would think that the plant in the bubbler would get more of the nutes as the soil would hold some of them.Also run a small fan on them to thicken the stems and cool...
Man that`s really sad.If I can help just give da word.Bunch of Badged Bastards!I can see that you lost Dearly.I`d still be crying.At least your not in the cross-bar hotel.They probably just run outta bud and was lookin for a quick score and you were on the GOOD BUD list.Anyway Stay...
I like Attitude Too.I just received my last gifts from them yesterday.Needless to say I`m happy as a Lark.Every order comes within ten days.At least to me on the East Coast.I Love All The Freebies.As of now,I`m Good To Go.Stay Happy,Healthy,and High>>
I think I would personally wait awhile on puttin the newly germed seeds under the 1000 watt.I would keep them under the CFL`s for a week or two till they get a little bigger.Also a fan blowin on them gently helps make them stronger too!I`ll stay tuned.Maybe we both can learn something.I`ve got...
I don`t know what is goin on in your case.I have myself ordered from attitude three times.All three times I i had great service.Plus all three times I got Free seeds.The orders all came in around ten days.BuyDutchSeeds is another great supplier.Any way.Good luck on your grow.Stay...
I love um.I`ve ordered from them three times(So Far) and my orders come in about 10 days and Always with a bunch of free beans.And not a bunch of skag either.So far all that was sent were Good strains,and Fem.Good Luck on your grow.Stay Happy,Healthy and High.