It looks like the ones are burnt to a crisp.Are those the ones that got nute burned.Flush with pure water once a day for 2 or 3 days.I might help them to recover..Anyhow they look great.Dtay Happy,Healthy,and High.
Alot of guys use floro lights because their cheep and they don`t produce alot of heat.Also when you start to flower.Turn all lights off for 24 hours to jump start the flowering process.I did a real nice grow using 24 inch GE Bright Sticks.Good Luck on your grow.Stay Happy,Healthy,and High....
you won`t pass if you`ve smoked within 28 day`s.They are VERY STRICT.I used to get tested every six months or every time I caught a ship.I spent a long time in the Merchant Marines.We got checked by the coast guard.They even watch watch so you can`t cheat.Any way Good luck with the Seal`s.I...
I was wondering if anybody else has ordered seeds from BuyDutchSeeds.I ordered from them not long ago.They seem like a pretty Up Front company to order from.Emails answered quick.And their shipping is pretty good to.I think my next order will be larger.I`m trying to get a good selection of seeds...
If you can get into the pricks houses,Plant kiddy porn on their computers.You can also plant ALL of your extra seeds around their houses.It makes for a fun evening when the local law arrives..Good Luck.
You could try to buy an ionizer.I found a great place to buy filters but it sounds like one would be hard to set up..But at this minute I don`t knoe.Hope I helped..bongsmilie
Well from my experience Rhino Seeds are a pretty good place to get seeds.I ordered a ten pack of Argen Haze and got them in about 15 days.Not too bad.Lookin forward to gettin a couple started for clone stock.Good luck on your grow..
I`ve read on here somewhere that Freezin seeds are the best way to keep seeds for a l o n g time.I just can`t remember where I saw it.Good luck with your grow.
I`d just use paper towels.Those peat pellets tend to stay to wet.Then you`ll have alot of no shows because they`ll drown.Just put in a damp folded paper towel.They`ll suprise you..