So the one's underneath are supposed to turn yellow and die? So what about the main leaves, if you look u can see the leaf to your left is turning yellow on the tip.
My first grow so hopefully someone can help. My 1 1/2 - 2 week plant is showing yellow on the tip of the leaves and the and also the leaf under the main leafs are turning yellow. I'm giving it tap water that i let sit out for 24 hours and make sure the PH is right. Have not gave it any nutes...
I was wondering could you use any type of store bought manure, like horse or manure to add to your soil. Similar i guess to worm casting? The reason i'm asking is becasue i have a big ass bag in garage that was brought from home depot and i wanna get rid of it.
So i suppose you did not see all the videos of all the ignorant white people making stupid as comments about Obama at all the McCain/Palin rallies then? Oh and white people don't have a case. White people built this country off of black slaves blood, sweat, & tears. And not every hand sign a...
Yo man i feel the exact same way. I'm damn near 30, and had never even wanted to vote until Obama came and showed that as people of the U.S.A we should come together to make this country a better place. There is no way in hell i caould put up with another 8 years of McCain/Bush politics.
Man those DOG's are tight. I seen a documentary on them one. Aren't they from Brazil or something like that? They actually look loike they may have some type of Terrier in them like Pits