I hear ya man. I don't think i have enough cash in my trading account to short. I'm only working with $600 right now. I guess i will go to the bookstore and get some books on charts. I just started reading a book by Jim Cramer called "Watch T.V., Get Rich". It has nothing really to do with...
Ok now i'm confused. I'm looking at that stock right now. So when you say its like its tied to a Calender, do you mean it has a certain patern that it seems to follow month to month on a yearly basis? And by long on the way up and short on the way down, do you mean buy as it goes up and sell...
Does that stock pay a nice dividend or something? I just checked that stock out and now i'm wondering how can that stock be a cash cow when the 52 week high is like $1.96? I'm still a newb so if you got any tips i'm all ears. Like i said earlier man, i just started like 4 or 5 months so most of...
Well i wouldn't call them balls of steel but i do have some balls, LMAO. Naw man just joking. But to be honest there are alot things i don't know about trading and i really got alot to learn. I wish i knew someone in my town i was close with that had some experience and could show some things...
Yeah man i day trade. I actually just started doing it about 5 months ago. It was weird how i started. I was watching YouTube one day and i clicked on this guy named "DayTraderRockstar" video and the way he was explaining it just intrigued me, plus I love to play poker so to me it was another...
Man OBAMA is not even in office yet so chill the fuck out. If you have not noticed George W. Bush is still our fucking wack ass president. Can the man get atleast 2 years in Office before you start claiming he's not doing anything. He's not officially the president until Jan. 20, so go get high...