When i got them from the hydro store they were all connected in rows of 5, so i took a knife and cut them into individual cubes beause i was only doing 6 plants for my soil grow. So i ended up having like 19 extras and then i figured i would try and make a Bubbleponics just for experimentation...
Is that VOMIT i just felt come up in my mouth?!! Yes it is. Thats fucking disgusting and the closest person to you should SLAP the shit out of you for playing that dumbass game. Have never heard of Females? If not u should look into them.
Just like the title say, i was wondering what mediums can be used for Hydro besides those Hydroton rocks? My local hydro store is all out until about next monday and i'm trying to get my setup up and running today. Thanks in advance.
Talk about an overdose waiting to happen. Look man, if you can't get high on one drug.......I think its time to take your ass to REHAB cause you are officially an ADDICT. Not trying to be mean or anything but i've been around numerous people on drugs like you. Just think about it.
As long as your finished with what ever punishment u got. So if your on probation or have not finished community service from a conviction then you can't vote. I'm a felon but have been finished with all my fines and shit for 3 years and i just got back from voting.
Hmmmmm......Were about to get 1 black president and all of a sudden the world is coming to an end? Would people's feelings be the same if McCain was gonna win? Can't blacks have anything without whites getting all bent out of shape. Look at all the ignorant comments people have made at McCain &...
I just made me one yesterday and i'm telling you that shit got my whole house smelling like pinesol. There also easy to make. Cost me about $20 and 30 minutes to make.
Yeah man i use rain water. The thing about rain water is the PH level is almost always at the right amount. And its something the plant naturally would be exposed to if it was outside.
If your gonna grow six plants then u atleast want a 4oow metal halide for veg and HPS for flower. From what i have seen & heard, MH & HPS are the best lights and CFL are the next best cheapest way to go.
Here's a pic of how far my light is. I had some CFL's on them last night but when i saw what had happened to them i switched back to my MH. Should i go back to the CFL's or just stay with the MH?