Here's the deal, I had germinated in rockwool cubes on Oct. 18th i planted my 3-4 day old germinated seeds into pots last night which is Oct. 23rd . I switched my lights over to 2 32w cfl's. I wake up this morning and one of my plants have already fell on its side. What could be the probelm...
Yo crypies i'm having kinda the same issue. I germinated 6 seeds in rockwool on Sat. Oct 18th and so far only 2 have sprouted out. I have them placed in a grow dome or whatever there called and under a 400w Metal Halide about 18inchs away. My qouestion is, should i keep the lid covered or off...
The only ventilation i have is the vent thats already in the bathroom for when u take shits. Don't know if thats gonna be good enough. And eventually i am gonna have to tack le the smell. My Light is about 16 inchs away.
Hey what up people? This is my first post so i guess that makes me a noob. Anyway let me get to my questions. I started germinating 6 seeds in rockwool cubes stored in one of the grow domes or whatever u call them on Saturday Oct. 18th, i check today on Oct. 21st and 2 have sprouted so far. I...