Active Member
So I took the only reasonable way out and voted for Bob Barr! 

good point, Barr is STILL a better candidate than McBamaBarr was originally a strong supporter of the War on Drugs, reflecting his previous experience as an Anti-Drug Coordinator for the United States Department of Justic
quote from wikipedia
In 1998, He successfully blocked implementation of Initiative 59[37] the "Legalization of Marijuana for Medical Treatment Initiative of 1998"
good jobthankyou
you couldn't vote for an african american? what are you insinuating here?
I agree. Just goes to show you how fucking hypocritical this country is. Land of the free, home of the brave my ass. The Constitution says that all men are created equal. As far as America is concerned, the only thing equal about all men is how they are killed.alot of white america is not yet ready for a black man in office... i hear it all the time down here in the south.... wouldnt matter if bin laden was running against him, most of the rednecks around my area would never vote for a black man.... no matter what... personally i dont give a poop what color the face of america is... its all the same to me...
I agree. Just goes to show you how fucking hypocritical this country is. Land of the free, home of the brave my ass. The Constitution says that all men are created equal. As far as America is concerned, the only thing equal about all men is how they are killed.
I agree. Just goes to show you how fucking hypocritical this country is. Land of the free, home of the brave my ass. The Constitution says that all men are created equal. As far as America is concerned, the only thing equal about all men is how they are killed.
and there are some real pricks on this website, passing judgement on opinion posts with a rating of "suck a dick"? How incredibly Republican.
True true, but most of the time, it isn't their opinion. Rather, it was the opinion of their parents who passed it on to them. I have seen some real fuckers teaching hate to their kids. Assholes who do stuff like that don't deserve children.everyone is entitled to their opinion...
Man i could not of said it better. Thats some real shit.A lot of European countries are worst. I'm originally from Italy and grew up a little racist because that's what I knew. when I came to American I changed completely. I don't see black and white anymore, I know a lot of people say that but I mean it. I see good people and I see bad people. it's not America, it's the world, it's people. blame people not the country