I work for my self and they try to take money from me so this is another lie. I got one job I dont pay taxes but I refuse to. And guess what no scarey men showed up yet and I doubt they will because its a scam.
Lets make some more fake stuff up that Obama did while we are at it ok?
Three tobacco shops have shut down in my city in the last 3 months they where owned by PEOPLE with famillys they where small shops you know ones that dont own 50000 stores nation wide. They lost EVERYTHING you act as if every buisness owner makes millions or somthing. Selling pappers might not...
Your just pointing out that you care about nobody other then yourself. But please continue tell us how you dont care about people that dont run buisness how YOU think they should run them and ill tell you your a freedom loving american............You are so selfish its almost sickening. Just...
Prove im not lieing:twisted:
And the circle continues. I shit on a grave last night and no bolt of lightning shung upon my mighty turd.
And gays do lie shits a fab agianst nature. Thats why they all have the same homo voice and act the same.
Well I wouldnt start by shutting down half of the small buisness in america. Or raising taxes on a substance more then half the population is on because that would make me look like a drug dealer and we wouldnt want that.
Oh yeah and I would let everyone keep money they earn and do as they...
Dont beleive what Obama says. Of course he is gonna say its for the kids just like FDA says weed should be illegal for the kids. My pets should be illegal for the kids. My hair style should be illegal for the kids.
How far are you willing to go for the kids? Why not ban everything? then it...
That would be cool if they where not trying to ban wraps and swishers aswell right now. And its not an all out ban just the sale you cant sale them but you can have them. They decriminalize flavored tobacco. We treat flavored tobacco like ampsterdam treats weed and everything is fine in our...
Obama has the right to vito dude. Bush did it why cant Obama? Obama IS the boss and people are loosing their livley hood off this and your still trying to act as if he couldnt have signed it. Your a peice of work dude if you do work.
Just for sale from what I get out of it. Im about to go around town and buy them all off the stores because I like the flavored ones and also help the stores out maybe. I couldnt immagine owning a headshop right now I am gonna do my part and go buy them so they dont loose money on the buisness...
Your still having trouble figureing out that Obama is the signature that makes it law he is the leader. If he was to say "This is NOT important when millions of people are loosing their jobs" like he does on everything else it would have blown over.
But nope HE made the choice as leader to get...
On a side note I shouldnt have to worry about things like that being banned. Thats like a guy that likes modle cars goes to hobbylobby and he finds out Obama banned them. I thought it was a sick joke.
Acttually it made no difference to me until I went in the store to buy my god damn blueberry vinilla pappers to smoke with my blueberry. But now im smoking it in a zigzag and can taste wood.....
And even then I wasnt mad until I went back up to the store and tryed to get him to sell me the...
Heres him making a big speach right before he signed the bill into LAW. He signed it.
He supports it and the FDA supports it. The FDA is why he calls it bipartisin remember they are neo-cons republicans agianst weed and have MADE UP propaganda about...
Only one person lies more then christians and thats Obama. If god where real he would let me smoke my weed in blueberry vanilla pappers just more proof that god isnt the only fake one in this country.
Bark up another tree Obamanite HE signed the bill. He is to blame!
Obama is the signature that makes it law!! If this would have been Bush your ass would be crying right now!!
This didnt happen when a republican president(or any other president) because its fucking laughable!!
This country...
Ok yeah well woke up this morning went to go get some of my pappers I usually buy and THEY WHERE BANNED BY OBAMA STARTING TUESDAY AND IM PISSED!!
You know I was gonna leave this president alone but nope he has tryed to ban my pets and now HAS banned my pappers. Anybody that supports this man...
To be honest I have screwed off at work before and I know everyone here has to a couple times in life. The thing is half of us just dont like cops. If they had just busted a child molester and where playing his Wii reactions would be different. Sorry but its the truth.
The only thing i can see...
Wii bowling sucks. If that was a "drug dealer" then he needs to be taken in for having Wii bowling in his console........Cops need to be taken in for the same thing.
Who the fuck plays bowling video games? I mean fucking go bowling its not like your shooting aliens and shit. Sorry I just think...