What im saying is people like you think you are ready for anything but you didnt even know you had to tie your shoe yesterday until you tripped over your shoe laces.
And people like that shouldnt own guns correct.
The south and I hunt white tail and fish everytime I get a chance. Dont need GUNS to do this.
I dont care who owns guns really could give two shits.
I just dont see them as usefull unless you like being on government hitlists. You dont need a gun for survival guns are bad as they give up...
Guns are not tools sorry. It has one purpose and its usless without the bullet.
Its like a guy walking arround with a nail gun thinking he is more prepared then the guy with a hammer.But in reality the hammer is more because its a REAL tool. It has more use then one and ONLY relys on the...
Go run at a lion and it will run away from you. It knows it can eat you but it wont because YOUR aproaching it it knows you have the upper hand. The lion will fall back watch its pride and regroup most likley leaving you alone because IT knows your willing to fight. Notice hunters get attacked...
See your looking for a gun fight.........I wouldnt get in a gun fight but sombody like you WITH a gun would.
Guns shoot bullets no matter how much of a bad ass you THINK you are, you will never be prepared for a bullet passing threw you. Dont care how many guns are in your house your still...
Yeah well Isaid obama could have veto the "lets ban everything pot smokers enjoy and say its tabacco" bill. And all the sudden veto didnt exist to you crays............
So while you fucks can still pull loans out for shit you cant afford I still cant smoke blueberry pappers.
Set up snairs and traps you need a knife to MAKE this. Tell me what you can MAKE out of a gun to survive?
Nothing it usless after you run out of bullets and you will starve to death after it does because you relyed on it.
Government wants you to have your guns it gives you false sence of...
No there was a couple posts people said that the nutes made the plants yellow out. And it is a two part it comes in two bottles.
Some companys make one parts hombolts has oness advanced has their one part as does general hydro now.
They have all minerals if you read the bottle you can get...
You guys using earth juice and saying that your plants are yellowing out dont realize that just because the bottle says "grow" doesnt mean that you use it for the veg cycle then dont use it in flower just to get that clear. Add some grow and some bloom to get the right mix I mean common guys...
People around here TRY to get fed time because state facilitys are so bad. Doesnt mater what you did you get the same shit treatment around here just go to a different facility or to the one that has room these days.
I do think getting rapped in prison is a little far stretched but then agian...
This is what im saying. Your sitting on your couch your not prepared.........The guys kicking in your door with guns IN HAND are prepared and you lost already.
Guns are false sence of SECURITY they are tools but they are limited because they depend on the BULLET. Kinda how society depends on...
Your not a bad mother fucker unless you can survive after you run out of ammo. So in that aspect keep your guns you will prolly need them I can do fine with a couple knives and a axe. If sombody runs in your house with fully auto weapons I dont care what weapons you got chances are your dead...
Oh Oh I know dont just speak your opinion but if they dont agree call them names and attack them for thinking differently then yourself.......You know we cant have different opinions in the new facist state so we must call these people names and throw rocks at them.
Thats what I get out of it...
Prople like you no nothing about GENETICS period yet you talk like he was the shit.
The reason you grew out his seeds and every god damn plant was different was because he didnt breed. He did NO seceltive breeding NONE and the proof was in the beans.
Matter-O-Fact breeders that ADMIT to do...
Government allready produces it and taxes it........
And we are not drug dealers the laws calls us drug dealers we are no different then strawberry farmers.
Its a plant like aloe vera people! Dang no wounder we cant win the fight its because we give in on their own propaganda to make our...
dont shit yourself you can go broke in mexico quick. Price of living is cheaper but the Quality of life is shit unless your rich with american money. The days of going to mexico with a few dallors and banking have been over for some time. Most people in mexico got fat stacks of US dallors trying...