Chillers really are not that effective if the temp of the res is climbing. 10 deg bellow room temp unless its a bad mofo. I bought a bad ass one for my reef tank in the summertime and I still had to have a sump everything and do water changes alot still.
Go get a ice chest and a pump. Build a...
No. The ice chest is the res and the pump sits in the ice chest pumping it into the "ice box" light cooler.
You could freeze like 24 bottles of water put 12 in ice chest when lights come on. Then the next morning when lights come on agian you take out 12 old bottles and replace with 12 new...
Yeah see those are the bad mamajamas. I was looking at those in this mag and thats what made me want 1000 watt light. I have never been able to run a 1k light and I want to bad. Those you wouldnt even need a chiller to cool your lights for the same reason you can boil water in a plastic bottle...
The first "god" was a wooden club. And jesus was the guy that held it. Once the rest of the cave men figured out how to make a "god" we had our first war.
Running air cooled right now but I wanna try 1000 watt lights I would have to shut down in the hot months with air cooled.
Yeah those intercooler/radiater type look like they would work great. I just wanna know if anyone has used them without a chiller? Like maybe an ice chest with 2 holes in...
LMAO You think? I split the reward with you if its just a peice of paper ill smoke it.:joint:
Sit here and smoke world records. And I always thought I would never be in that book. Just goes to show education doesnt put you in the book of world records kids.
You should be because if everyone fell into your life style and thought concept it would be a very boring and hatefull world.
We are all different almost the same and all fucked. IQ tests are made to make you feel smart. Everything youve learned has been doctrinated and comes out on how good...
Anyone running water cooled lights? And if you know anything about the systems witch ones should I avoid?
I understand the concept I just dont know witch kind of system to buy. Like the radiater ones that go on your light exhaust or the ones that cover the bulb with 2 layers on glass...
I scored 109 but I just guess my answers so it would have prolly been worse if I tried who knows.
Being retard could just mean your smarter then average to I guess? I mean what if that retard is actually saying some deep crazy smart shit but it just comes out as "dar gar grrrrrrrr"? Does that...
You said I was "ignorant" witch is acctually alot worse then calling someone stupid. I like stupid because stupid can still be kind.
Ignorant would be more like what your doing putting your self so far above everything to not consider you can say things that could offend people and do.
Devil aint got shit on me. By defult im satan I screwed 18 hookers within the last 3 years 8 of them had kids and all of their names is Jesus!! Mwahaha And every one of them knows the rock trick Mwahaha
You would blend in good up north is what im saying. Because all you can do is insault me by saying im stupid im from the south. Im saying I dont care where your from your shit smells like corn meal because you result to name calling other then conversation.
I called you a yankie to point out...
Your so yankie I smell the corn meal in your blood. You got yankie blood or somthing. You put steak sauce on your steak commie!
My bloods red not my neck. And name calling is agianst the rules buddy find other ways to get your point across. Thats whats yankies do point out the education they...
I think we should all sin as much as possible. So if the shit is true we can just take satins place. Welcome everyone to hell playing a b.c. rich warlock.
Man if only I could disign hell it would be the shizzle. I would make it everybodys worst nightmare loose bloody purple pussys on spikes...
Ive left my state but I have only left the south to visit friends. If your from the south and you go north they pick you out and crack jokes all day. And who the fuck cares about my spelling errors? I mean honeslty the spelling was what got to you in that post? Honestly?
The spelling? You...