Yeah thinking like that gets us very far. Just because somthing doesnt affect YOU doesnt mean its not happening. I dont like any "news" station or any "president" for that matter so once agian your making stuff up saying im on a side or watch fox news.
So go watch so more msnbc and throw a...
And blueberry papers taste nothing like blueberrys so whats your point?
Im sorry but you cant agree with me your gonna have to leave my thread we are happy people that agree here. bongsmilie
Democracy sucks doesnt it. Im the majority in my mind so you loose.
Debate over! I win by default...
The situation is clear for anyone to grasp. Flavored "papers" are illegal for sale while fiberglass infused "peppermint" smokes that taste like candy are still on the market.
What a great week in China it has been college students getting beat down in the name of Obama preotection g20 style...
Im being real when I say all politicians that deal with the FDA are agianst pot heads.
FDA considers mary jane a "killer gateway drug" while they push meth to school kids in pill form. And sell push every other "illegal" drug including "pot" in pill form so they can make profits.
Yes ill say...
Yeah and the PATRIOT ACT was really PATRIOTIC wasnt it?
Wow you are just like Obama only reading the title of the bills to make your mind up?
So if I made a bill tittle the "Free all Fairys act" but it really ment kill all red headed freckled kids it would be ok for me to sign this bill as...
Nortice how the democrate cant answer questions like ussual and just points out spelling errors. Or notice the ARMY at schools trying to get KIDS to sign up FOR WAR in highschool before they gruaduate.
I mean dude you really are that slow and that crazy? Sloooooooooooowmooow Brian function...
No they wont and thats the point. They are doing this to ban pappers and blunt sticks thats why the most popular smokes for kids witch are kools(because they make you cool) and newports because thy FUCKING TASTE GOOD!
So yeah that WONT ban smokes because its not what this is about. Thanks for...
I just switch to coco in my drip. I dont know if I produce more or the same but I can tell you I NEED a R/O filter. Your water might be better where you live some of us have treatment centers that over treat the water and you wouldnt be able to feed your plants enough because the ppm of the...
So wait people can rise from the dead? And split the sea in half?
Yeah I think its been proven fake. Kinda like how you will only see Chris Angel float on TV but in real life he is on the ground signing his picture. Your telling me that this guy has the power to fly and hes just gonna stand...
Please explain why flavours make kids smoke? And ill say the same thing about pipes and bongs and the same people that buy this flavored papper bullshit will buy that bullshit.
If he was worried about your children he would stop sending them to die in deserts not spending his time baning...
Ill agree with all of the above. homos being pedophile though thats kinda steep. Ill just say they are liars like christians I put them on the same level sence they hate each other so much for the same things.
Christians like long haired dudes nailed to crosses. Homos like long haired dudes...
Yeah thats why you can still buy menthol smokes and grape flavored blunt sticks.
I swear if you think that they aint gonna ban pipes and bongs your crazy. They are gonna say pipes and bongs advertise and intise kids to smoke because they look like toys.
Go throw everything that has to do...
Its called phone calls asshole you know they call you just like everyother BILL COLLECTER! You are just so full of your self. You acttualy think mobsters come to your house and beat you up for back taxes and take you to prison for not having money? Dude I crack up every time you post because its...
Wow shit just flys over your head like airplanes.............
He was making a point that the law isnt gonna make a fucking difference so while they wasted 3 months on banning flavored pappers our country is going down the shitter.
While they say others waste money and time that seems to be...
LMFAO dude what country are you from?!? Its called I dont work on the peoples dollar im not a politician. I dont make money off the people open a a buisness with their money and not pay them for it.
You got it all mixed up. All they can do is take my property buddy and I live in rent homes so...
Its a matter of do you beleive it? That they can watch this many people? You beleive they control you? LMAO Only if you let them.
They cant take you to jail for debt or break your legs. Some of you people have to much hope in your government they are only their to cash a pay check you pay...