Active Member
remember kids, the amount of verbiage in your post determines its validity. even if your thoughts, opinions,
or stated points can be summed up in only one or two sentences, the addition of lots of verbiage is the equivalent
to the size of your internet penis. so do you want to be one of those little ladyboy one-sentence-posting fags or
do you want to man-up and type lots of paragraphs of...stuff?
sure it may turn out to be 5 paragraphs of nothing-said, but don't worry, because it appears that you have much
to say when you type many many words. its intimidating to your opposition, like that cool lizard that hisses and
expands its neck pouch to appear far bigger than it really it. yeah, its sort of like that. be sure to add lots of fuzzy
logic as well. don't worry, everyone's stoned here anyway so even if they did read through all this rambling,
they'll never pick up on it. and if they do point it out, tell them that they don't even know what that particular
fallacy means. and if they still want to be a punkass and post a definition, just parrot the notion over and over
again that the dictionary is full of shit just as they are. remember: the internet is a jungle, but you are it's lion.
so roar lion! roar!
but if you find yourself in danger of making a girly-post of only 2 paragraphs, throw in some implications of nazi-
mentallity. this of course will come off as polite and civil since you're not actually calling them nazi's, but
rather just being the type of sheep who allow nazis to take power. liberals just regurgitate what their child-rapist
media gods tell them anyway. i know this for a FACT. you would to if you watched glenn beck but you won't
because you're too much of a cold nazi to see a grown man cry. thats right. he cries. the guy loves his country.
(and chopped onions) what, you don't love your country? typical liberals...they should just move to red china,
right comrades?
but getting back to the point: sometimes you may find yourself in a serious thread where even 3 paragraphs
of fallacious, pointless, and idiotic rambling just isnt enough. well then its time to whip up a heaping bowl of
copy pasta! post an opinion-piece about how liberals are evil. if anyone questions the source just say something
like "oh but you'll trust cnn, right sheep?" this will divert their attention from the fact that you posted your link
from liberalseatbabies.com. so lets get started on that copy pasta, shall we? lets start with an objective news
source like...say...http://www.redstate.com. then copy and paste an opinion piece and pass it off as
evidence. after all, if someone on the internet shares your opinion, you are obviously in the right.
the final nails in their liberal coffin: image tags and smilies. thats right, nothing says "you can't fuck with this" more than visual
deterrants to spin your opponent into a state of dismal madness. the images don't have to be relevant to anything in particular,
although its good to keep it inflammatory toward the subject of scrutiny and/or your opponent. here is a terrific example:
lol take THAT obamabots!!! ROFL!!! LOLOLOLOL!!!! ...which reminds me: throw in some lol's to express to your opponent that
you are actually in the state of hysterical laughter at the thought of just how stupid they are. lol!! illustrate to them just how
funny you find the whole situation and how stupid they are to dare challenge your internet championship title. HAHAHA
but thats not all...
...so now you've left your opponent beaten to a bloody and confused pulp, sprawled out on the slab for everyone to laugh at, what now?
well thats easy: the final bitch-slap. just to tell them "this is MY internet, punk! you're just a guest here!". "run along now" is an
excellant way to express this, for example....because thats just what they're probably doing. crying and running. amiright? lol
also try to finish it off with a smilie...sort of the last skeet to their face which glues their eyes shut. the dunce smilie or laughing
smilie are both adequate. and remember, although everything you just stated has little to do with anything logical or worth pondering,
the fact that you took the time to type it all makes it valid.

or stated points can be summed up in only one or two sentences, the addition of lots of verbiage is the equivalent
to the size of your internet penis. so do you want to be one of those little ladyboy one-sentence-posting fags or
do you want to man-up and type lots of paragraphs of...stuff?
sure it may turn out to be 5 paragraphs of nothing-said, but don't worry, because it appears that you have much
to say when you type many many words. its intimidating to your opposition, like that cool lizard that hisses and
expands its neck pouch to appear far bigger than it really it. yeah, its sort of like that. be sure to add lots of fuzzy
logic as well. don't worry, everyone's stoned here anyway so even if they did read through all this rambling,
they'll never pick up on it. and if they do point it out, tell them that they don't even know what that particular
fallacy means. and if they still want to be a punkass and post a definition, just parrot the notion over and over
again that the dictionary is full of shit just as they are. remember: the internet is a jungle, but you are it's lion.
so roar lion! roar!
but if you find yourself in danger of making a girly-post of only 2 paragraphs, throw in some implications of nazi-
mentallity. this of course will come off as polite and civil since you're not actually calling them nazi's, but
rather just being the type of sheep who allow nazis to take power. liberals just regurgitate what their child-rapist
media gods tell them anyway. i know this for a FACT. you would to if you watched glenn beck but you won't
because you're too much of a cold nazi to see a grown man cry. thats right. he cries. the guy loves his country.
(and chopped onions) what, you don't love your country? typical liberals...they should just move to red china,
right comrades?
but getting back to the point: sometimes you may find yourself in a serious thread where even 3 paragraphs
of fallacious, pointless, and idiotic rambling just isnt enough. well then its time to whip up a heaping bowl of
copy pasta! post an opinion-piece about how liberals are evil. if anyone questions the source just say something
like "oh but you'll trust cnn, right sheep?" this will divert their attention from the fact that you posted your link
from liberalseatbabies.com. so lets get started on that copy pasta, shall we? lets start with an objective news
source like...say...http://www.redstate.com. then copy and paste an opinion piece and pass it off as
evidence. after all, if someone on the internet shares your opinion, you are obviously in the right.
now you're obviously thinking "holy fuck i just pwned the shit out of that noob!!1" but don't get overexcited. don't forget to driveLet us, for the moment, leave aside the question of why the media suddenly doesnt like comparing the President to Hitler. Instead, let us today address the more pressing question of why the media doesnt like facts.
If you believe Nancy Pelosi, Rep. John Dingell, little girls totally not planted at Obama town halls, and reporters asking Gibbs questions at todays White House briefing, then you are probably certain that there are scores of hood-clad Klansmen with guns storming the town halls on health care waving swastikas and, incongruously, accusing Obama of being Hitler. Yep, the mob is apparently experiencing a little hate-confusion.
Also, they are actually paid to be there, they are wearing Brooks Brothers suits, and they are elite rich poor white racist trash whove never heard of Hawaii, trade stocks by day, clean stocks by night, belong in stocks by right, and above all else, are un-American. Got that?
Yes we are a sordid, motley mob of natty dressers. But most of all, above everything else, we are mean. Mean mean mean. Were shouting, you see. And putting Hitler mustaches on Obama. Right?
Well not as such, no. As George Claghorn noted yesterday, Steve Gutowski uncovered the origin of that now ubiquitous Obama-Hitler sign from the Dingell town hall, and it isnt quite what the media reported:
So the media is spectacularly wrong already. The criticism was from the left, not the right. (The left does have some practice with such signs you know.) But guess what? Thats not all.
You see, not only is the sign from the left, the guy carrying the sign is moonlighting. Listen to eyewitness accounts at theblogprof:
Note the black man holding up the poster. This screenshot was used in reports by the MSM who painted the protesters as Nazis. Heres the thing, though - that black man is a Dingell supporter!
Youre hearing this right? Good. I just want to make sure. You should go to theblogprof and read the whole thing, its worth it; and make sure you watch the Cavuto video.
Folks, this is where we are. Obama is organizing for America alright. The unions are organizing thugs to assault you. The astroturfers are organizing a mercenary force to shout you down. The Democrats are organizing a smear campaign to shame and marginalize you. And the White House is organizing a compliant press to docilely repeat these talking points to try to trick you. To trick all of us. What do you call an organized group who commit crimes and lie? Cant remember.
Talk about community organizing eh? Yeesh.
- Caleb Howe
the final nails in their liberal coffin: image tags and smilies. thats right, nothing says "you can't fuck with this" more than visual
deterrants to spin your opponent into a state of dismal madness. the images don't have to be relevant to anything in particular,
although its good to keep it inflammatory toward the subject of scrutiny and/or your opponent. here is a terrific example:

lol take THAT obamabots!!! ROFL!!! LOLOLOLOL!!!! ...which reminds me: throw in some lol's to express to your opponent that
you are actually in the state of hysterical laughter at the thought of just how stupid they are. lol!! illustrate to them just how
funny you find the whole situation and how stupid they are to dare challenge your internet championship title. HAHAHA
but thats not all...
...so now you've left your opponent beaten to a bloody and confused pulp, sprawled out on the slab for everyone to laugh at, what now?
well thats easy: the final bitch-slap. just to tell them "this is MY internet, punk! you're just a guest here!". "run along now" is an
excellant way to express this, for example....because thats just what they're probably doing. crying and running. amiright? lol
also try to finish it off with a smilie...sort of the last skeet to their face which glues their eyes shut. the dunce smilie or laughing
smilie are both adequate. and remember, although everything you just stated has little to do with anything logical or worth pondering,
the fact that you took the time to type it all makes it valid.