Funny thing is I smoked brick like two weeks ago for the first time in 3 years prolly and it still got me high. Alot of my friends still smoke shwag you cant convince some people to pay crazy prices for a weed. Ive seen some good bricks in my day even a few I would buy for how cheap they where...
Oh yeah...........Thats what she said. Honestly if zombie chicks dont have smelly pussys I do be down bro.
I mean I have had sex with some pretty boring chicks I would consider them dead in bed. Just sit there not even trying atleast a zombie chick would be trying to eat you witch is kinda...
I dont think anyone could explain this to you any more clearly that if you live in the united states and are growing cannabis you are breaking the law. Period no exception dont care what state your in local police hardly waist recources on raiding grow houses when they know thats all DEA does...
I know my neighbors so unless your just some quite keep to your self type of person I would agree with you. But he/she wouldnt be in the situation if this is the case.
Other wise I agree. If he has proof of the guy breaking and entering and not stealing "pot plants" he would have a case. He is...
Its always been exposed you didnt uncover any secret data here buddy. I bet every crackhead that put a babby in a dumpster first words to the police where "what babby?".
I mean how is it false if you threw a babby in the dumpster are you thinking about it? YEAH because its crying!! nevermind I...
You cant be right man because that means they are wrong they hate that.
Its like dumping a baby in a dumpster to them. Its only sad until you cant hear it crying anymore then they wana have another.
I still think its kinda homo none of the guys are trying to bang zombie sluts but kill them.....So much potential then you gotta blow off her face? I would get angry im sorry but atleast let me hit it first.
Figure out a way to live with the zombies man that way we can still play the field...
Nobody is gonna sit there and let you fuck up their shit you will end up dead in this world thinking you run shit sorry but its the truth.
You dont "just fuck up his car" more follows trust me. Go ask ex gang members how many friends they watched get killed over the same shit you guys are...
Ah everyone getting caught up in "terms" and "names" these days. To most its just growing dope we shouldnt hate them they just use a different language I guess you could say.
Its like hating sombody for saying "shit" when some people think its "poop" it makes no sence.
Should make a clothing...
They where wanting to put some miles on that new kitchenette. After 500 miles they could turn the gas up all the way on the grill. whole city would have smelled like tuna burritos if you woulda let them.
The world doesnt work like a rap song home slice.
Sounds cool in a song but preach it from a jail cell. I dont care what state your in your in the united states and its still illegal by federal law so when the DEA kicks in your door ask about that state law and see if they give two shits...
Yeah thats what was going on in my head. It was pretty sweet Wheres an HD camera and some whores when you needem? We could use nice girls but they are zombies they need to be dirty.
Ill play the pizza guy and any other unsuspecting guy in the movie kinda like an eddy murphy movie.
Any chicks...
My plan would be looking for zombie chicks to fuck. Zombies are kinda dumb so you could be picking out hot ones and tell them you got some brains at the house. Oh yeah would be so easy to pull bangin zombie chicks bring on the infection.
like a portable kitchen? Thats pretty cool shit really. Wish the mexicans I used to work for would have brought a taco stand to work everyday prolly wouldnt have quit. Free tacos and easy work? Yeah anyone would stick around.
Cops and judge will look at it as your out growing "dope" slashing peoples tires for money they owe you.
Thats the way to make us look like they say we are cartel members. Way to makes us look that much more of what we are not.
Dont do anything its YOUR falt it got takin because you told...
Maybe he just hasnt ever not been high. Like I swore for a few weeks there I wasnt getting high but it was the opposite I was just so high all the time it felt normal. Doc smokes to much weed and thats hard to do I want him as my doctor.