Thanks for that ive got old videos my grandpa gave me before he died but they are very crappy quality still would be cool to dig them out and watch them.
3 dogs and you wont be going to the hospital? How many pits can you run threw super man?
Only way your getting in my back yard is killing my dogs witch involves shooting or anything violent to animals you will be looking at some felonys aswell. So yeah keep picking new ways you stack felonys...
Negative..........Its gay when cock is in your mouth.....
I can explain away my hand on my cock with "it itched" or somthing along those lines. But if someone walks in and your sucking your own dick you cant really say anything because your cocks in your mouth so asumption is wierd homo.
If she is deep in the zombie phase she prolly wouldnt be hot witch would throw out what im saying. Kill all the ugly zombie chicks you want but the ones with potential why?
Seems racist.bongsmilie
Then a chiller will shine for you even a cheaper one. If you buy a bad ass chiller it will cool your room to might be able to get rid of a/c.
I know about chillers because I use them in my reef tanks and those are the cheaper ones they sell in hydro stores. Even to cool a bad ass huge reef...
Water bottles are better unless you are full enviromental control. A chiller can only lower the temp of the res so much if its rasing all day a chiller wont even help that much just slow it down. You have to get your room temps in check then figure out if you need a chiller not the other way...
Zombies are moving man they are not dead exactly but kinda. Who knows maybe zombie chicks got special green slim that is super slick but you missed out because you had to blow her face off.
It could make you imune to to the virus and you could fuck all the zombie chicks.
Makes me want to see a real zombie hookers puss to see if im on key. I mean honestly nobody thought hot zombie bitches when this topic came up? I mean what if there is a cure.... And you killed all those hotties......WAISTFULL we got kids starving in Africa and your just gonna waist some good...
All im saying is you dont know people but yet you act like you know shit that hasnt even happend.
Your not nostrodomus you cant see every event before it happends. security is key not being some fake gangster acting like he runs shit that gets you no where but dead or in prison.
Yeah like I said you can find hot crying girls anyday it doesnt take a zombie event for this to happen. Zombie sex is new its fresh its got spunk. Who wants to comfort some sobing slut scared out of her mind if your gonna be looking for hot chicks in that case look for the ones bashing zombie...
Fucks no........... If its smelling you just used vinnila lysol and a spounge.
If shes hot zombie I would lick her twat why not zombie invasions only happen once you know you only get one chance to taste zombie puss.
Then I humor you why insault me? Most people want money for this shit buddy.
Either way you cant break forum rules and insault people so stop. Im alowed to make as many spelling errors I want and you can point them out(like everyone else) but you cant insault me in the process or you break...
Ive always thought they would start taking fat kids from parents sence they started the whole vegan crazy fat kids on maury.
Maybe the fat kids can make liscens plates and they can leave pot heads alone this plan could be win-win.
I keep watching this video and wondering how the fuck he keeps his consentration but I cant even spell that word so I give up.
Short answer he is the real king.
So yeah slash my new tires it is a felony or screw up my paint job. So maybe if your gonna fuck up his car just steal his gas cap so you dont get a felony.bongsmilie
Then they retaliate agian you see how this works? You think it ends there but it doesnt he/she will have to move if they retaliate because now everything they own is at risk and everyone they know not just the plants in the back yard.
These people are not scared of you they robbed you and will...
My dog would kill you or you kill him either way its not gonna be quite and I now know someones in my shit if im not home well you will be in the hospital with deep cuts on your person and easy to find if need be.
Big dog bites you your going one place and thats not to clip my weed its to get...