Dude one 400watt light isn't going to throw up any red flags....
Plus as long as you pay your bills on time the power companies don't care... Except where the LEO monitor energy consumption...
People have been growing cannabis all around the world for thousands of years...
Fuckin dinosaurs were gettin high...
I think its cool your using honey to root cuttings... I was planning on trying this next round...
Did you just dip them in straight honey or make a solution of water and honey?
Unless your pumping CO2 in there you should never be hotter than ~80 degrees.... I would venture a guess that those temps are contributing to the low yield/poor product...
A cool tube and an inline fan would reduce your temps a great deal...
Its basically personal preference.. They are all cheap made in china magnifiers but they will work, a jewelers loupe is simple and reliable but sometimes...
Either way that wasn't necessary once the tap root starts to come out it wants to be touched/moved as little as possible, so straight to the medium..
Every seed is different, it could take a few days+ form start of germination to this\/
But when you use the soak in water method you want to...
It's hydroponic so you feed every watering....
Feed only water until the plant has 3 sets of true leaves (serrated leaves)...
Then start with very weak nute solution and gradually increase from there....
When you first transplant into the hempy the roots wont be long enough to reach the bottom so you have to water everyday until they do, but once theyve reached the res you can water less frequently...
This thread has all the info you need...
You drill a 1/2 - 1" hole with the base of the hole 2 inches up from the bottom. Cover the hole with screen mesh and seal using aquarium silicone...
Perlite for the bottom ~3 inches and a mix of perlite:vermiculite for the rest.
You water with a nute solution and the bottom refills itself.
They use chloramine in water nowadays and it doesn't dissipate like chlorine so leaving it out for 24 hours is virtually useless...
Unless you add a de-chlorinator the chloramine isn't going anywhere.. Make sure the de-chlorinator removes chlorine, chloramine, and ammonia...
You should test...
It depends on the plant..
You gotta start checking on it everyday starting after week 2..
look for some videos or pics of male flowers releasing pollen so you can see what they look like when they are ready to open...
It should be kept separate from the females if you don't want an entire crop...