how tall are your pots? and what have you decided to grow cause if your pots a regular 3 gal. pot thats something like a foot tall and your getting a HID bulb and hood thats around 10 inches that only leaves you with about a foot and a half and i feel like that will be cutting it close with the...
you should leave the fans on 24 hours of the day so that way the plants can constantly get fresh air but if they are off at night it doesnt hurt its just better to have them on constantly
most people here i havent seen having too hard of a time with it but if you order from places like attitude or sannies i do know you have the ability to order your seed with a guaranteed delivery which means from the day you order if you dont receive your seeds within 30 days no matter what...
roots organic or at this stage fox farm light warrior are great soils then when they get bigger the fox farm ocean forest is great but with the fox farms youll need to add perlite or it will have problems breathing a good mix is to mix fox farm with roots 50/50 cause roots is full of perlite and...
you can start feeding whenever you want as long as you have a good root structure and hearty plants just be careful when using roots cause it already has a lot of nutrients and you dont want to burn your plant...i did on accident once...but if you do feed just use about 25% or less at first
what were your five mystery fems? and unlucky knows her shit so listen to her most of the time but for now seedlings need to be in a humid/moist area but not overly wet and they need to be in the dark in a warm not hot area so what you could do is use your little germ tray/box and put a blanket...
FFOF is great soil but a little low on perlite so if you go with it make sure to get some perlite too and mix it at least 30% perlite on that note you should know that FFOF has a very large amount of nutes in it from the start so in veg you dont really need to add any nutes cause it already runs...
other than lst or supercropping there is also topping that you can do also it will make your plant shorter, make it produce more colas, and if you top it at a good point not too high you can clone your top and get another littler plant
i mix fox farm ocean forest and roots organic soil and havent had any problems other than they are both extremely rich in nutrients so they run hot for small plants