ChoofyN you have the coolest avatar ive ever seen
most of us either use the prepaid cards from walmart or i think you can buy them from some gas stations too or just use your normal credit card and it will show on your statement as "attitude gifts"
if youre really worried about it you can...
wish you the best of luck with the job hunt and move to portland
Welcome to the home of the Rip City Blazers (yes that is correct portlands main nickname is pot related and no longer is the basketball team the trailblazers just the blazers now) GOTTA LOVE THIS PLACE
plants will always lean toward the light thats why in nature you can actually see plants lean one way in the morning then the other way at night...on that note you should rotate your plant daily to get it equal lighting
most people receive their seed between 1-2 weeks but companies put in extra time so that you cover the possible delay in shipping and that website definitely is Attitude if you still dont believe the almost exact same thing is my signature
Heres my most recent order
Green House Sativa Indica...
this is 1000% true theres a lot you need to factor first
1st Decision:Stealth or Just Normal Secretive
2nd Decision: Size
Plant Size
Space Size
Light Heights
3rd decision:Medium
4th Decision: Lights
5th Decision:Nutes
basketball injury.ha. obama letting his black out on those courts... can anyone actually imagine obama straight schooling bitches on the court . thatd be hilarious to see. Obama doing some And1 shit
i totally agree all that guy ever did was "NOT INHALE" and get a blow job...other than wasting whoevers weed it was he never did anything wrong. he was awesome
you can order them from attitude with no problem like jman said if they get interceted you will just get the letter but if you order with the guaranteed shipping attitude will send them to you again if you havent received them in 21 days of the original shipping date
you can make hash with your trimmings and if you make it the ice hash way you can still use it to make butter just the butter will be less potent but still have that good taste and a little high to it
this is true first youll get your card at the store that you can use for anything in america but you have to get your actual card sent to your house and it usually takes at least a week its kind of a bitch but pretty pointless since either way its going to have your information on the card
more lights will always help. what kind of soil. do you know the strain. remove the special lens from your camera.. good luck on your first grow friend