Well-Known Member
I saw someone say they were the only oned in Oregon who produce vacuum purged bho so I thought I would let ppl know how easy it is to accomplish. Im sure like most of us alot of you reading this own a foodsaver,these things kick ass for storing food,salmon/steelhead,meat etc. one of the functions is a small hose that you can connect to foodsaver jars. The hose and jar is all that is needed to vaccuum purge on the cheep. Take your oil once cooked off and heat it up until it becomes molten,put the oil in the fooodsaver jar,attach hose,and fire it up. To completely purge the butane you may have to heat up and purge with the vaccuum line from the foodsaver a few times but in the end you will have vac uum purged bho on the cheep. I know there are way better systems but for a home medical grower this can still be a way to get purged oil without breaking the bank.
Keep your thumbs green and your minds open

Keep your thumbs green and your minds open