Do you have a healthy diet? Urine is very high in nitrogen. Dilute about 1 cup urine with 1 gallon of water. Apply directly to the soil.
Besides flowering nutes, it's all I use.
If you plant on killing off the mother for her clones, it's conceivable.
But that assumes you get a female, and without a clone already... the time to sex them to figure it out.... I don't see it happening without a great deal of luck.
The outlets are likely powered by the same branch. You might be pushing it if you're only using a 10 amp circuit, 15 or 20 amp circuit will handle it no problem(depending what else is on it). Check your fuse box.
I just cut off the larger leaves(mostly tri-leaf or more, into their own jar to dry), leaving the smaller ones on, usually the one-leafers I don't hassle too much about. Basically I just try to make it semi-uniform around the actual buds. Then I roll them against the inside of a glass curing jar...