My formula for a growroom is where its at to find how much its costing , Total watts / 1000 = ? x price per Kilowatt hour =? x number of hours, very simple.
The cost of power is roughy 12 cents per kw hour. That is 1000 watts for 1 hour.
Your veg room is on for lets say 18 hrs, so 1.325 kwatts x .12 = 0.159 / hr, so .159 x 18 = 2.86 / day
Flower rooms , 12 hrs/day , so 3.6kw x .12=.432/ hr , so .432 x 12 = 5.18 / day
So on a 2 month power bill it...
You can run a bond from main distribution panel where he is feeding this panel from, like come on this panel has to be protected somehow, does he even told us how this panel is fed or what size breaker it is protected at.
220 doesn't divide the load evenly, each leg has same amount . If a motor draws 20 amps then each leg has 20 amps on it , no way does it get divided on each leg with 220 . Sorry doser i do not agree and i will bet your life on it. lol
First of all just because you run something 240 doesn't mean u can run smaller wires? Its all in breaker size and amperage which determines wire size and yes regular 15 amp outlets work , its just not code , either is your 18 amps on a 20 amp circuit if u wanna get technical.
and if you are 80ft from panel you need to upsize your wire due to voltage drop , u are correct doser on the 240 circuit but he would have to run a 3 wire , 2 hots and a neutral. If not you could not get 2 120 volt circuits because there would be no neutral and it would be better to make it 2...
600 watts is 600 watts no matter how u look at it. Is your 20 amp line gonna be 120 volt or 240 volt? You can use Ohm's law for the value needed. Watts= volts x amps. So on a 20 amp circuit that you ran it would be 120 volts x 20 amps = 2400 watts, code says that you can only load a breaker...
First of all are you using AC (house and utility) or DC(battery). AC power uses hot and neutral , black & white. DC power uses positive and negative, red & black.
So what style fan is it and what voltage?
First of all when you say illegal tap are u coming from main distribution panel in building or are u coming from your utility meter outside? Your wire size looks a little small feeding that panel , i assume u are coming from main panel in building , if you are then what size breaker or fuse in...
3 wire is for fan speed , pick one, black or red , one is for high speed and one is low and then tape off unused wire on fan.hope that helps, if not i will try to explain better.
and how did danny die that night sub? you seem to keep that from the public. I am sure Gypsy has his reasons, and did gypsy even know Dannyboy before that all happened?
Did you try flushing your plants or giving them a good watering so you have some runoff comin out bottom of pots ? That might help wash away some excess nutes . IMO i wouldn't worry too much your buds look very healthy just give them a good watering and moniter the situation from there.