3 wire is for fan speed , pick one, black or red , one is for high speed and one is low and then tape off unused wire on fan.hope that helps, if not i will try to explain better.
i love ur avatar...looks like my water dragon when he was a babyIsn't Black - & Red + & the 3rd wire the speed control and if not used the fan will run at full speed? I'm pretty sure this is how old school PC fans run. I'm assuming that is what you are trying to hook up??
Peace out
ya...thats what i saidYea but I've always found its the Red and black that you use not the white.
First of all are you using AC (house and utility) or DC(battery). AC power uses hot and neutral , black & white. DC power uses positive and negative, red & black.
So what style fan is it and what voltage?
Maybe the OP should respond before we keep going on.