Yes we are missing something, when will flowering be initiated ? If plants starts flowering @ the summer equinox then yes it would be overkill. But if it vegs into august then yes go big, all depends on the veg time IMO.
try querkle or deep purple , anything else has way to much sativa and stretch's way too much for a hydro sog. Some querkle pheno's will get huge also so maybe deep purple will be best for a hydro sog. I tried space queen hydro sog and i had branches everywhere and it really wasn't suited for a...
I' ve grown out a few TGA strains for over a year now and found them week , all had great taste and bag appeal but the strength just wasn't there. I found Vortex to be very unstable, had 5 females from a 10 pack and all 5 were completely different . 3 outta 5 had nice appearance and bag appeal ...
Teejay , the smoke was not what i was looking for at day 60, sub's havest window is 45- 55 i believe . I found she lost some taste and strentgth the later it was left. Also tried querkle , space bomb and vortex all were great in there own way.
lookin good tee jay, heres a finished 3d shot . Lemony smell to this one and frosted as fuck. Harvested @ day 60 , believe i left it to long and should have harvested @ 55 or less.
If I were to go 12/12 from seed i would grow a sativa hybrid, indicas will not get very big especially with no veg and blueberry has high percentage of indica and will probably stop growing once flowering is brought upon.Sativas or sativa hybrids tend to grow more into flowering, so a bigger...
Nice looking stuff guys, chef c if you like the couch lock stuff maybe you should try deep purple, i heard it was quite relaxing stuff and i am sure it tastes great .
Since we are talking about males i am going to post a pic of my urkle dom male , purple male flowers and all. Plant was really...
All depends on what u want . theres not much for indica lovers . (deep purple & querkle). All those thc readings are from a paticular plant that was found in the gene pool. All vortex plants don't have 18% thc! I bought a 10 pack and found 5 different lookiong plants. None did the trick for me...
Looking good Medshed , hopefully you got some odor control because them ladies about to get real stinky soon. Nice room of dank you got going there, keep it up.
I agree with McFonz, plants have plenty of bud leaves for photosynthesis to take place . You don't have to strip the whole plant of its big leaves ,but it doesn't hurt to start taking some that are blocking lower sites.