I love how Republican's piss and moan about how taxpayers give money to welfare recipients....when we spend twice as much fighting pointless wars and policing the globe.
I'm no Obama fan but you numb nuts right wingers need to get the picture clear...the economy was SHIT before Obama took...
I have family members that are "rich"
They are all good people and they worked very hard to get where they are at today....
I also have family members that are "poor"
They are good people too, and they love their lives just as much as their rich family members...
I have no desire to be rich...
It's called State Sovereignty...AKA the 10th Amendment. Too bad our government has been conveniently ignoring this for over 100 years.
Technically though....Federal law does override State law. BUT the constitution grants each individual state sovereignty.
The 10th Amendment protects the laws...
I'm not voting for Obama. Didn't in 2008 either.
I just love to hear people complain about him...especially since the economy was in the toilet BEFORE he took office. He's not fucking superman, he can't just snap his fingers and make everything OK.
I just like watching melt shots and things like that. I can't watch things like tokindaily or those weird redband guys...they just smoke and babble about nothing
I do love the weed nerd tho....Sub is a cool dude
Adderall is just pharmaceutical speed.
Don't get into the habit of taking it....it's cool every once in a while if you need to do work but it's a terrible drug for recreational purposes.
my 3 Ripped Bubba phenos are almost done. my only complaint is that the buds are so big that all 3 phenos are starting to lean towards the ground :dunce: but that's a good thing :bigjoint:should be all ready and cured by hempfest....