• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

I'd say now is a good time to CYA

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Republican governors Bob McDonnell of Virginia, John Kasich of Ohio and Rick Snyder of Michigan all must show that they are leading their states’ economies in the right direction. Occasionally, that means discussing the economy in rosy terms, putting them at odds with the Romney campaign.
Bloomberg News dug a bit deeper than usual On Wednesday night into how much friction this has caused, reporting that the Romney campaign has asked Florida Gov. Rick Scott to tone “down his statements heralding improvements in the state’s economy because they clash with the presumptive Republican nominee’s message.”
The story is well reported, going so far as to quote a Republican operative as saying that the ads being run by the Florida GOP seemed like they were crafted at President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign headquarters.
Fiscally Rick Snyder is doing a very good job. He said he would be a different type of governor and he has been. He reached across the aisle and chose Andy Dillion a Dem for state treasurer. The people he has picked were chosen for their talent.

Now some of the others that were voted in I have real issues with.


Well-Known Member
hr 2930 - entrepreneur access to capital act
hr 2930 exempts startups raising less than $1 million in venture capital from small investors from sec registraiton and oversight.
Not a jobs bill. An anti-regulatory bill.
hr 2940 - access to capital for job creators act
hr 2940 repeals prohibitions on solicitation or advertising of a securities offering. It's a companion to hr 2930, and is intended to allow people with no relationship to a startup company to invest in it without any oversight by the sec. Let's call this and its evil twins hr 2930 and hr 1965 the "ponzi scheme coverup acts of 2011"
hr 1965 - securities laws amendment
hr 1965 changes the shareholder threshhold for sec registration from 500 to 2000 shareholders. It's not a jobs bill. It's a "hide from the sec" bill. Its companion, hr 1970, would exempt sec registration of public offerings under $50 million rather than the current $5 million threshold.
many more epa acts
so many they don't deserve to be broken down individually. hr 2273 removes coal ash regulation from the epa and hands it to the states. hr 2681 would put a legislative stay on cement manufacturing emission standards. hr 2250 would put a legislative stay on epa boiler mact rules. hr 2401 would require analysis of all epa regulations relating to air, waste, water and climate change. hr 2018 would restrict epa from issuing any revisions to existing water standards or issuing a new standard for a pollutant if the state has already adopted one or there is an existing standard in place. In other words, ignore any new scientific research after an initial standard has been set. hr 2021 amends the clean air act to open oil and gas exploration off the alaska coast. hr 910 strips the epa of authority to regulate greenhouse gases under the clean air act, a direct assault on efforts to limit man-made contributions to climate change. hr 872 expands the use of pesticides, fungicides and rodent without epa approval.
many more oil and gas drilling acts
there is hr 1231, which would require the administration to allow offshore oil and gas drilling and exploration in order to meet set domestic production goals, effectively forcing the moratorium on offshore drilling to be lifted to meet goals. hr 1229 requires the energy secretary to consider any offshore drilling permits within 30 days of receiving it and provide application denials in writing within 60 days of the application. Another "forced moratorium lift" bill. hr 1230 forces sales of oil leases in the gulf of mexico and outer continental shelf of virginia. It also lifts requirements for environmental impact statements and grandfathers in a 2007 document as authority for environmental impact.
special interest legislation, or pandering to corporate interests

  • hr 1904 proposes an exchange of land so that resolution copper, llc can mine copper on what is now part of the tonto national forest.
  • hj res 37 is a resolution of disapproval on net neutrality.
  • hr 2587 prohibits the nlrb from restricting where an employer can locate. This is in response to the nlrb's objection to the boeing plant relocation to south carolina, a right-to-work state.
how dare you use fucking facts in this thread !!!!!!


Well-Known Member
No wonder you're angry, you've been lied to.

Oil companies do not receive government subsidies, that's a big liberal lie. They, like all American based manufacturing companies receive a domestic production tax deduction for keeping jobs in America.
The federal government does not shell out millions of tax payer money to oil companies period, the government just takes less money from them in the form of tax breaks.

And the oil companies do have hundreds of paid oil leases, the problem is the federal government has stepped up their regulations and restrictions so they can't retrieve the oil and sell it at a fair market price. That's why oil production is up, they're drilling and fracking on private property and your boy Obama is trying to take the credit.

Dunno about being lied to, tax break is a handout/subsidy anyway ya cut it...record profits from these energy fucks and they don't pay shit for taxes...@ Winterwoman...did not know you were in mich, thought you were canadian...but I have been saying for years ..we need to make some money off all out natural gas reserves..every vehicle in america should run on it and we should be exporting the shit out of it.


Well-Known Member
Not really..he wrote his break down underneath the bills..Did you even read it or just thought you would reply before doing so. Did you not start this thread with a cut and paste job ???
Lol at all of Duke's replies and the barking seals "liking" them. His rambling, fallacious bullshit below each bill doesn't negate the fact that they have passed many bills that would create jobs. You imbeciles seem to think that they're going to pass bills that fit in with your liberal sensibilities and agenda that got us in this mess in the first place. Fucking forget it. You're on the out, the jig is up...the obstructionist Senate is the problem. Fuck your blathering, progressive ideals, it's time for the MSNBC crowd to take a walk.


Well-Known Member
Lol at all of Duke's replies and the barking seals "liking" them. His rambling, fellacious bullshit below each bill doesn't negate the fact that they have passed many bills that would create jobs. You imbeciles seem to think that they're going to pass bills that fit in with your liberal sensibilities and agenda that got us in this mess in the first place. Fucking forget it. You're on the out, the jig is up...the obstructionist Senate is the problem. Fuck your blathering, progressive ideals, it's time for the MSNBC crowd to take a walk.
again what job bill has congress passed that would have create jobs:roll:


Well-Known Member
Lol at all of Duke's replies and the barking seals "liking" them. His rambling, fallacious bullshit below each bill doesn't negate the fact that they have passed many bills that would create jobs. You imbeciles seem to think that they're going to pass bills that fit in with your liberal sensibilities and agenda that got us in this mess in the first place. Fucking forget it. You're on the out, the jig is up...the obstructionist Senate is the problem. Fuck your blathering, progressive ideals, it's time for the MSNBC crowd to take a walk.

well, you're phasing out liberal lemmings, but barking seals is one you keep recycling. and actually, it's regressive extremists like yourself who want to decimate the social safety net who are shit out of luck. but good job on the indignant anger and steam from the ears, shitbag.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Why should federal gov subsidize these greedy oil tycoons? I read the oil companies have hundreds of drill rights all over the country and just don't excersize them because they are hoarding them to keep the price high and use the high prices to fool dumb americans into thinking they need more land rights to drill on to lower the price.
uhhhh several companies have oil rights and oil leases off the coast of california but are forbidden from drilling or exploring by a federal moratorium since the gulf spill, and a state moratorium on offshore drilling in effect since the early 90's

even the few operating drills in california's land based oil feilds are limited to existing well heads only.

if you are not allowed to drill claiming its a plot by evil corporations is ridiculous.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
HR 3630 - The Middle Class Tax Relief & Job Creation Act of 2011 - This bill does indeed extend the "docfix" and unemployment insurance for a year, but with a hefty price.

  • In addition to freezing federal workers' pay for three years, it requires issuance of a permit for the Keystone XL Pipeline in advance of the proposed routing by Nebraska, suspends the newly-issued mercury regulations and extends 100% expensing of business equipment (including private jets). Another so-called "jobs bill", HR 1938, was passed giving a November 1, 2011 deadline for the Keystone pipeline.
  • With regard to unemployment insurance benefits, it cuts the 99-week maximum down to a 59-week maximum by mid-2012, allow states to drug-test UI recipients, and allow states to reduce state unemployment benefits and substitute federal funds. It also cuts funding for key provisions of the Affordable Care Act coming online, and adds the requirement to welfare payments that EBT cards cannot work in strip clubs, liquor stores and casinos.
  • Provisions were included to auction more broadband spectrum and reclassify the 700mhz D Block as public safety broadband use only, which would be a huge payoff to Verizon Wireless lobbyists, who won that block with requirements that it remain open, after Google challenged the auction process.
  • It would force Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to pay increased guarantee fees similar in scope to those due from large banks as a part of the Dodd-Frank Act, means-tests unemployment insurance benefits and food stamp programs and increases Federal employees' contributions to their retirement system by 1.5% while freezing pay, so their pensions take a double-whammy.
  • Finally, it repeals the new timing rules for estimated corporate tax payments for companies with assets of $1 billion or more so that they can use payments of estimated taxes as a timing tool for fourth quarter profit declarations.
None of the provisions outlined above create jobs. They called it a jobs act, but it was really just an act.
""and adds the requirement to welfare payments that EBT cards cannot work in strip clubs, liquor stores and casinos.""

You Bastards!! Fuck This Shit! I'm moving to Canada!!


Well-Known Member

well, you're phasing out liberal lemmings, but barking seals is one you keep recycling. and actually, it's regressive extremists like yourself who want to decimate the social safety net who are shit out of luck. but good job on the indignant anger and steam from the ears, shitbag.
Keep dreaming, the fantasy social safety net is decimating itself, as any Ponzi scheme is doomed to do. And I could spend a month listing your recycled mental diarrhea, dickhead.


Well-Known Member
The plain truth is Republicans attach "job bill" status to every piece of crap legislation they come up with
Then claim the Democrats are blockign jobs

The same can be said about every "family" organization out there doing everything they can to diminish the rights of gays

How many Republican bills in the last year has had a amendment in it to
-Repeal obamcare
-Extend a pipeline
-make tax breaks permanent
? and many others?

Here is an imaginery Republican Bill

HR 1003
Puppies and Kittens are cute Act

Puppies and Kittens are cute and as such. Obamacare will be repealed , Unions dissolved and Corporations have the right to do whatever they want without regulations or oversight.

headline next day

Democrats hate Dogs and Cats
Block Puppies and Kittens are cute act

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
uhhhh several companies have oil rights and oil leases off the coast of california but are forbidden from drilling or exploring by a federal moratorium since the gulf spill, and a state moratorium on offshore drilling in effect since the early 90's

even the few operating drills in california's land based oil feilds are limited to existing well heads only.

if you are not allowed to drill claiming its a plot by evil corporations is ridiculous.
More refineries would help too.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Cut and paste isn't possible...

However copy and paste is...just like your original post.. :hump:
cut and paste is not possible? shit man. how did i pass 2nd grade art?

damn i hope they dont make me repeat that shit.

see thems of us what is older than 15 remember a time when you would use these ancient things called scissors to "cut" shit out of newspapers and magazines (kind of like blogs but on paper (which was kind of like a kindle, but made of cut up trees(which were kind of like dope plants only bigger))) and we would use "paste" (which was kinda like "glue" (which is kinda like spray paint only less easy to huff)) to stick those clippings to shit like school reports (the things you had to do before wikipedia made school obsolete) to get "grades" which were an objective way of evaluating performance before now, when showing up is all that matters, and everybody gets a diploma for not shooting anybody.


Well-Known Member
Those with the “drill, baby, drill” mentality are either ignorant to the fact that we do not need more oil or are being manipulated and used as shills by the big oil conglomerates in order to increase their unprecedented profits.
Our country has a surplus of oil. Oil demand in our country is the lowest it has been in the last 10 years. In fact, since 1908 the United States has been exporting oil to countries such as Brazil, Mexico and Chile. Prior to that, we had consumed all the gas we produced plus imported gas. We presently have more drill sites, are drilling more than ever and are producing greater quantities of oil than we have in the last 10 years.



Well-Known Member
parts of california's coastline has been devastated by oil drilling.

google venice beach oil fields... fucking regulation... helping keep our beaches clean and safe for our use... so worthless...