Well-Known Member
No one could find any racism apparently at La Raza's website. So obviously the answer is La Raza is racist becuase they advocate for latinos. So I did some research and found these racist organizations in the USA using the same criteria
Ancient Order of Hibernians (Irish)
German-American Heritage Foundation of the USA (Germans)
National Italian American Foundation (Italians)
Serbian Unity Congress (Serbs)
Albanian American Civic League (Albanians)
U.S. Azeris Network (Azerbaijanis)
Sons of Norway (Norwegians)
German American National Congress (Germans)
Cuban-American National Foundation (Cubans)
TransAfrica (Africans)
Assembly of Turkish Americans (Turks)
United Macedonian Diaspora (Macedonians)
National Association of Arab-Americans (Arabs)
American Israel Public Affairs Committee (Israelis)
Armenian Assembly of America (Armenians)
Armenian National Committee of America (Armenians)
American Hellenic Institute Public Affairs Committee (Greeks)
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (African Americans)
Institute of Caribbean Studies (Caribbeans)
Japan Society of America (Japanese)
Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (Mexicans)
League of United Latin American Citizens (Hispanics/Latinos)
National Iranian American Council (Iranians)
Anti-Defamation League (American Jews)
National Congress of American Indians (Native Americans)
English-Speaking Union (Anglo-Americans of British origin)
League of the South (Anglo-Americans of Southern USA origin)
Ancient Order of Hibernians (Irish)
German-American Heritage Foundation of the USA (Germans)
National Italian American Foundation (Italians)
Serbian Unity Congress (Serbs)
Albanian American Civic League (Albanians)
U.S. Azeris Network (Azerbaijanis)
Sons of Norway (Norwegians)
German American National Congress (Germans)
Cuban-American National Foundation (Cubans)
TransAfrica (Africans)
Assembly of Turkish Americans (Turks)
United Macedonian Diaspora (Macedonians)
National Association of Arab-Americans (Arabs)
American Israel Public Affairs Committee (Israelis)
Armenian Assembly of America (Armenians)
Armenian National Committee of America (Armenians)
American Hellenic Institute Public Affairs Committee (Greeks)
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (African Americans)
Institute of Caribbean Studies (Caribbeans)
Japan Society of America (Japanese)
Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (Mexicans)
League of United Latin American Citizens (Hispanics/Latinos)
National Iranian American Council (Iranians)
Anti-Defamation League (American Jews)
National Congress of American Indians (Native Americans)
English-Speaking Union (Anglo-Americans of British origin)
League of the South (Anglo-Americans of Southern USA origin)