clearex??whats that i think my set up is diffrent!!!!check it out wanna put fresh clones in these dont know how many times to flood??? new ly rooted no rock wool just 12 2 inch net pot and groton rocks
i dont have any rock wool!!! i got clones that im rooting some have already and want to put in but only have groton rock and 2 inch n et pots bout twelve can i use those and what are the flood hours or how many times for new clones NO rockwool
please need help????got 2 15 gallon rubbermaid tubs stacked on top of each other and am new to using EBB FLOW sytems , got one DWC top drip sytem, one six plant aero sytem and now wanna try a flood and drain, wanna know if you have to use rockwool or can you use groaton rocks cause thats what i...
you need more time RIU brother patiencde is as VIRTUE dont smoke her she is not close to ready USE SOM BLOOMIN RIPINING to bulk up theese next weeks since you have limeted time BRO if ya like advise dont forget to +REP
hey if you are growing in an ebb flow i need your HELP dont wann JACK your tread so can you lokk at mine and answer my ? about ebb flow system please WILL +REP ...
please need help????got 2 15 gallon rubbermaid tubs stacked on top of each other and am new to using EBB FLOW sytems , got one DWC top drip sytem, one six plant aero sytem and now wanna try a flood and drain, wanna know if you have to use rockwool or can you use groaton rocks cause thats what i...
BLACK JACK for sure thats what ive been growing ever since i first tasted kinda like a icy mint aroma and numbs nostrils when rubbed on stem oh man shes a beauty look on nirvana shop for it pricy burt well worth it. got fem seeds all are fem.. please REP+